Alternative Cancer Treatment Testimonials, Patient Testimonials

Success Story – Pancreatic Cancer Tumor Shrinking with IPT*

Success story – pancreatic cancer tumor shrinking with ipt

My most recent MRI showed “no evidence of residual disease”. This is after 5 IPT chemo sessions with Sue Morgan and following Dr. Minkoff’s supplement regimen. My last MRI showed a 3.3cm tumor along my SMA, down from 5.5cm after 3 rounds of full dose chemo. I showed a “clean” result in 2015 and stopped doing my IPT chemo, only to have the tumor reappear in 6 months.

I won’t make the same mistake again. IPT chemo really does work, but you must not stop after it gets you a great MRI result. I plan on continuing treatments and taking supplements for as long as they work. Pancreatic cancer is not a cancer you want to keep giving chances to kill you. Stick with it!


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