Bones, Joints, Muscle and Pain Testimonials, Chronic Pain Testimonials, Patient Testimonials

LG’s Prolozone Success Story*

Knee joints. Lg’s prolozone success story

My knee had been hurting and swelling with any activity. If I took the dogs on a 20 minute walk, I was in pain for the rest of the night. An Orthopedic surgeon told me to schedule an MRI and that we needed to do arthroscopic surgery to repair the meniscus – for the second time in 3 years.

I decided to try the Prolozone injections and boy, and I glad that I did! My knee felt almost perfect after the first injection. I did the second injection a few weeks later and now I can take my dogs on long walks and function like there was never a problem. I am beyond happy with my results!

Thank you Dr. Minkoff, Jennifer and the amazing staff that make LifeWorks possible. I tell all my friends about you.


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