Join Dr. Minkoff from LifeWorks Wellness Center in Clearwater, Florida, as he challenges the conventional understanding of cancer, emphasizing its primarily environmental and nutritional causes.
Rather than relying on traditional treatments with limited success rates, LifeWorks takes a revolutionary approach, focusing on impaired mitochondrial function in cancer cells and using targeted therapies like high-dose oxygen, hyperbaric oxygen, ozone therapy, vitamin C, curcumin, and methylene blue to shrink tumors.
With a personalized and compassionate approach, LifeWorks offers hope and support, as demonstrated by inspiring success stories of patients experiencing significant improvements in their cancer treatment.
Contact LifeWorks Wellness Center for a consultation and discover a new path towards healing.
Learn About Our Revolutionary Approach to Cancer Treatment

Hi, Dr Minkoff, LifeWorks Wellness Center. So this talk’s going to be about cancer, the Big C. Now like with many other diseases cancer is at epidemic levels now, even in children.
Like this curve of cancer is just going up up up, more and more and more.
It’s felt that cancer is going to overtake heart disease as the most common killer of people on planet Earth.
Now why is this?
Cancer is mostly not genetic.
It’s mostly a combination of
environmental toxicity and malnutrition.
You can live in the United States and be overweight and be malnourished.
You are for sure getting a high load of toxins in your body and habits make a difference.
So if you smoke your chances of cancer are much higher, if you work in an industry where you’re exposed to like high levels of chemicals or toxins or heavy metals your rate of cancer is going to be higher.
Cancer, the cancer industry is a very formal closed set thing.
There is a National Cancer Institute, they dictate what treatments are given.
Unfortunately the success rate of many cancers is not very good.
Now if you have a cancerous mole on your arm and it’s removed, it’s curable.
You may have a lump in your breast that’s removed, it might be curable.
Once cancer is outside of the area, the little border area where it was, then cure becomes not so likely.
The three traditional approaches to cancer or treatments for cancer are radiation and chemotherapy and surgery.
All of which sometimes can be helpful.
If you just take chemotherapy, a very interesting study was done and it was published in the cancer journal and it was done both in the United States and Australia to look at treatment of cancers once the cancer was at an advanced stage.
If you use chemotherapy on half the group and no chemotherapy on the other half the group, how improved was the five-year survival of those patients?
And there was only a two percent increase in survival using traditional high-dose chemotherapy.
Now that is abysmal because the side effects of traditional chemotherapy are very high in most people.
So your hair falls out, it could grow back but the toxicity to your bone marrow and your heart and your other organs can be significant.
It’s interesting that in that same journal where that was published there was an editorial and the editorial said maybe we ought to rethink our approach to cancer because if we’re only showing a two percent improvement in survival over five years, accompanied by all the toxicity that we see, maybe there are better things to do.
Now that journal article was in 2002 and it really hasn’t changed anything.
So we look at cancer in a completely different way and we kind of go back to some things that were discovered a hundred years ago.
In the 1920s and 30s a German doctor named Otto Warburg figured out that the difference between a healthy cell and a cancer cell was that the cancer cell could not produce energy using oxygen.
So the mitochondria, the little factories in the cell which make energy, utilize oxygen to make energy most efficiently and the cancer cells couldn’t do that.
So if this mitochondria is damaged, it’s unable to use oxygen to make energy.
It makes energy in another way and that’s a cancer cell. So this was discovered, the Nobel Prize I think was given in 1930 or 1932, for figuring this out.
Now modern cancer theory is that all cancer is genetic, that there’s damage done to the genes that cause the cell to become cancerous.
And some very interesting experiments were done where they took a cell that was cancerous and they were able to micro dissect out the nucleus of the cell where the genes are, where the chromosomes are and transplant that nucleus into a healthy cell to see … did the abnormal genes cause that cell to get cancer and guess what? It didn’t cause cancer.
If they took the abnormal cancer cell and micro dissected out the mitochondria, the factory and put that in a healthy cell, that cell became cancerous.
So this is a disease of energy production in the cell, it’s not genetic. Okay, this is very important.
Now, so we see people coming in here who have diagnosed with cancer and there’s four of them that are sort of the big four and it’s lung and colon and prostate and breast.
Those are the most common ones but you know and virtually any organ can get cancer.
And so we’re looking at this very differently than the oncologist whose idea is that you could use high-dose chemotherapy, radiation and surgery to get a cure on someone. In some cases that does occur but sometimes the side effects of it are too much.
So since chemotherapy doesn’t add that much, the way we look at it is, the person has cancer.
What we know is that if it’s breast cancer or prostate cancer that the cells from those organs that are causing the cancer are also in the bloodstream and we can send a blood test to a laboratory and they can isolate those cancer cells and they can do very sophisticated tests on those cancer cells and they can tell what things kill those cells the best.
And they test chemo drugs and natural things and herbs and spices and we get a report back. It said hey these three chemo’s look like they’re good. Vitamin C works, curcumin works, methylene blue works, you know this herb works and so what we do is we put together a combination of things, as well as very high dose oxygen.
So hyperbaric oxygen, oxygen in a tank, you breathe 100 percent oxygen, we put oxygen in the bloodstream with ozone and we find that about 80 percent of the cases that we see, we get a response … like it kills cancer cells, the cancer shrinks, the cancer moves back, okay.
Unfortunately it’s not 100 percent but in eighty percent of the time we get a response, like the new scan is better, the cancer shrunk.
Sometimes it shrunk a lot and it goes away, sometimes it shrunk a little but the treatment actually works. The very upside is that the patient isn’t devastated.
Almost every patient that we see feels stronger, better, their attitude’s better, their energy’s better because the treatment isn’t a killer treatment on the healthy cells.
We do some treatments with low-dose chemotherapy but it’s low enough and it’s used with insulin so it targets cancer cells and our healthy cells could take a little bit of the chemotherapy and it doesn’t hurt them.
So people don’t lose their hair and they don’t get ulcers in their mouth and they don’t get sick but if you do this combination and so the the regular guys are doing kind of uh put a nuclear war in your body and hope you survive with chemo and radiation. And what we’re saying is we can kill the cancer with death by a thousand paper cuts, you know a little bit, a little bit, a little bit, a little bit.
Cancer cells get hurt hurt, special diets so that the cancer cells are starved, heat sometimes hyperthermia, if it’s a local cancer because they don’t like heat and with these various remedies, probably a dozen different things being done at the same time which have a dual effect of building up the immune system in the patient and attacking the cancer, that people have an option to really survive their cancer and have a better chance of living a longer life with better quality.
So that’s very different, um there’s more videos on this that you can watch but that’s the basic idea and um I’m optimistic about cancer.
And I never put a ceiling on how long someone’s going to live because I have had some people come and see me where when I’m sitting across from them, I wouldn’t have given two cents that they were going to live another six months and I just had one which was just remarkable. So the woman is 84 years old she comes here from Buffalo New York.
She has a cancer of her bone marrow.
She’s needing a transfusion every week because her bone marrow is putting out so little blood that she can’t live without getting blood from the outside and so for seven weeks in a
row she’s been getting blood transfusions and basically the doctor at the hospital in New York said really it’s time for hospice for you, there’s nothing more that we can do for you.
And her daughter was no you’re not.
So they schlep her down here. And when I first saw her she’s in a wheelchair and she’s laying like this in front of me in the wheelchair.
I said okay, they said we want to try something. Okay we’re going to try it.
So we start the treatments IV vitamin C, hyperbaric oxygen, IV curcumin, IV methylene blue, hyperthermia.
We start doing all these treatments, we work on our diet, we work on her nutrition, we build her up.
Usually in three weeks we get back a recommendation from this laboratory of which chemo’s to add but it was over Christmas and the lab was closed and we were delayed for a month.
So I would usually see her at three weeks but I didn’t see her for six weeks and she’s getting these treatments.
So at six weeks she comes in to get my recommendation because I have the lab test back from this laboratory which happens to be in Greece and she walks in and her daughter’s carrying her cane and she said I keep forgetting my cane but I feel great and I haven’t had a transfusion since I got here.
Now she’s getting a transfusion every week in New York because her hemoglobin is in the 5-6 range, like her blood is is like worthless and you can’t live like that.
And her hemoglobin is now eight and a half and her white blood cell count was like 0.9, is now like it’s seven and she said I feel great.
And I said well I don’t think you need any chemotherapy and she said I don’t think I do either.
So let’s track you for another month … fine.
She goes home, she goes back to New York and we’re tracking her numbers.
So sometimes we get miracles which are really nice.
So, we never promise miracles, we do promise help, like real help, real concerned help, in an atmosphere where you’re in a family and you’re not a number and you’re not being treated by some protocol.
Because the treatment is customized toward your cancer, your disease, your body and I think that gives you the best chance.
So if that’s something that you’re interested in, call us, come see us and um we’re really good at it and we actually do care.
Hope this helps.
Alternative Cancer Treatment Videos
Helpful Cancer Resources
- Alternative Cancer Treatment - a page dedicated to treating cancer naturally.
- Alternative Cancer Treatment Testimonials - patient success stories overcoming cancer.