Joint Pain, Diet & Nutrition

Food & Diet for a Healthy Body

Paleo diet foods

Your body is a machine and it needs to be fed, watered and taken care of correctly for it to function properly.  If your car were missing a couple of screws, belts or a wheel, it wouldn’t be able to operate.  It’s the same thing with our bodies.

A lot of the food on the market today are lacking the vitamins and minerals that our bodies need.  If you are eating fast food or packaged foods with ingredients that you can’t pronounce, then your body could be malnourished.  You may also be experiencing certain health conditions like inflammation, joint pain, IBS, high cholesterol etc. which can all be caused from the type of foods you consume.

We recommend to most of our patients that they try a Paleo diet.  The Paleo Diet website states, “The Paleo Diet® is the diet to which the human species is best adapted.  In other words, when you eat a Paleo Diet, you are eating the optimal foods for your body, literally programmed into your DNA.”¹

By adopting the Paleo Diet you are giving your body the right foods that it needs to function properly.  The Paleo Diet involves eating the foods that our hunter-gatherer ancestors would have ate.  This is long before the invention of processed foods and some of the current agricultural techniques currently employed.  They ate fresh fruits, vegetables, chicken and fish.  They didn’t eat grains, legumes, dairy, potatoes and processed foods.  Organic foods are extremely important to eat as a lot of our farms are poisoned with pesticides that cause havoc on our bodies. Even our protein should be organic as cows, pigs and chickens may have pesticides in their feed which in turn we eat if we eat them.  The picture below shows what you can and can’t eat on a Paleo diet.

What to eat on the paleo diet infographic
Infographic courtesy of (2)

We ask that you try a Paleo diet for 6 to 8 weeks.  A lot of people even lose 5 to 8 pounds during this time and all they did was change their diet.  This can help lower your cholesterol and help with any gut issues like IBS that you may be experiencing.  You have also removed any food that can cause inflammation, so your body should feel better and less fatigued.  We then recommend you continue it for another three months but now you can start to add in foods that you stopped to see how your body reacts.  You might like a baked potato with a salad, so try a potato.  See how you feel after and if you have no reaction, no bloating, no upset stomach, no fatigue etc. then you can continue to add potato back into your diet.  However, if you try something like black beans and you have an upset stomach and bloating, then you know that this is not good for your body and you shouldn’t eat it.

Click here to learn more about the Paleo Diet.  If you would like to schedule an appointment, please call (727) 466-6789.

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