Dr. David Minkoff’s Health Blog

Brain Fog OHR #522

Ohr 522- brain fog and how it can be treated.

Message From Dr. Minkoff

This week I saw a patient who came to me about six months ago with a very serious traumatic brain injury. She is in her early 40s, and a very high-level medical practitioner.

After the accident and hospital rehab she was still very low function and could not work. Brain fog, memory loss, balance problems, difficulty speaking, and inability to multitask (which she was stellar at before) was not possible.

She is also the mother of 4 children to add to her demands.

With our program she has steadily improved to a great degree. Ketogenic diet, ozone therapies, HBOT, PEMF, peptides, red light therapy, detox, and more, and she has recovered to near normal.

She is now working full time, multitasking, speaking normally, not fishing for words and has to a great extent recovered her ability to function.

During our recheck, I saw that her symptom score had taken a big leap which meant her health had taken a downturn.

She admitted to me that she was not doing quite as well as before.  She was searching for words again, her brain was clouding up, and more.

I asked her if she was doing the Keto diet that I prescribed for her.

She said, “no, I’ve been bad for a few months. It started with Halloween and then Thanksgiving and now next week I am going to France for a vacation and have fallen off the wagon. I’ve been eating bread and Cokes and even some wine and other bad things and I just can’t help it. And since I am going to Paris next week for 13 days, I am just going to do what I want and then I’ll try to get back to what I should be doing.”

“OH NO!” I told her. “Have you become suicidal after all of the progress that we have made? Can you remember how you even had a hard time walking with any balance? Is the bread so good that you would sacrifice for it? Clearly these foods have revved up your brain inflammation!”

And then she added, now in full confession mode…

“I haven’t been taking my supplements either nor my peptides nor my sauna nor my red light therapies.”

“Say it’s not so!” I cried.

This put me in full stress mode and as my mother used to say when something unexpectedly bad happened, “Oi vey!” I yelped.

In that instant I was able take a deep breath, gather my wits, and tell her, “OK my dear, thank you for telling me. Sometimes it’s hard. I understand.  You can restart today. Paris can still be wonderful without gluten and wine and trashing yourself at your own expense. Please go and have fun and put back in your supplements, and peptides immediately, and if you must indulge, a crepe or two, NOT MORE!, will not kill you.”

Bodies are delicate things. They operate on rules. If you break your own body’s rules it will break down, get sick, get fatigued, get cancer or some other horrible malady. If you have been sick, you already know this.

My whole work day is filled with people who have broken the rules. Sometimes knowingly, sometimes unknowingly. Sometimes willfully, sometimes it just happened to them. But when the rules of biology are offended then life in each cell affected is diminished, and when too many cells are affected, health fails.

Yes, sometimes the lure of temptation is too great. I know, I am human too and damn even yesterday I had a few spoonfuls of Keto ice cream followed by a roaring stomach bloat and I swore off it again! I succumbed. I tested the water and I didn’t drown, but I suffered.

So if you do indulge, make it short and quick and regain your momentum so you can live long and healthy.

We weren’t put on this planet to suffer, but too often we are the source of our own suffering. And ill health in my book is suffering.

I wish you a new year of thriving energy and health and heaping amounts self-discipline to accomplish it so you don’t “sin” against your body too often and if you do, you have the will power to correct it fast.

With empathic love,

David I Minkoff, MD

Brain Fog

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Helpful Brain Fog Resources

  • Brain Fog - our complete page on brain fog treatment.