Women and men…
Could you be in need of progesterone?
While the largest amount of progesterone is in the second half of the menstrual cycle, it’s also present in measurable amounts in the first half.
In the first half of the cycle it comes mainly from the adrenal glands, but is also produced by other cells in the body.
Schwann cells which protect the nervous system tissue make and use progesterone locally in the brain.
During the second half of the cycle the progesterone is secreted by the ovaries.
We are finding that most women, probably due to hormone disrupters in the environment, are progesterone deficient even in their twenties.
This may be a cause of many other symptoms they may be experiencing.
It is generally not appreciated by most doctors that many health issues in women of any age can be caused by a lack of adequate progesterone.
Below is a questionnaire to check for yourself. Use the results of this questionnaire to open a discussion with your healthcare practitioner.
While these symptoms can have other causes it is our routine to measure full female hormone levels on all patients. There may be multiple hormones out of whack including thyroid. By finding as many factors as we can in the complaining patient, we have a much better chance at resolving their issues, as the cause is often multifactorial.
If you are suffering from any of the above, come in and get an appointment so you can be thoroughly checked out and begin to feel good again.
Have a great week.
Dr. David I Minkoff, MD
Progesterone Deficiency Questionnaire
Circle each symptom that applies to you:
1. internally anxious, outwardly calm
2. premenstrual backache
3. frequent complaining
4. endless crying
5. breast and/or ovarian cysts
6. defective luteal phase
7. fibroids
8. excessive facial hair on women
9. excessive body hair on women
10. infanticidal fears
11. feelings of loneliness
12. maltreatment of newborn baby, harmful, violent thoughts
13. absence of maternal instinct and behavior
14. nausea during pregnancy
15. night sweats
16. PCOS (poly cystic ovarian disease)
17. pre-eclampsia
18. rejection of baby
19. feelings of resentment
20. early ageing of skin
21. feelings of uselessness
22. vaginal thinning, dryness and itching
23. miscarriage
24. temporary psychosis
25. breast tenderness and/or mastitis
26. premenstrual breast tenderness
27. follicular keratosis on backs of arms and legs
28. hot flashes/flushes
29. erratic menstrual cycle
30. excessive menstrual flow
31. lack of menstrual periods
32. depression after childbirth
33. depression during perimenopause/menopause
34. irregular menstrual flow
35. period pains and/or ovulation cramps
36. easily upset, quick to cry
37. depression
38. panic attacks or panicky feelings
39. sense of confusion
40. feelings of unreality
41. exhaustion
42. feelings of guilt
43. hair pulling
44. hallucinations
45. histrionic behavior
46. infertility/difficulty in falling pregnant
47. feelings of insecurity
48. internally upset by criticism
49. suicidal thoughts or attempts
50. binges
51. hair loss from head (women)
52. lack of self-confidence and esteem
53. SAD (seasonal effective disorder)
54. sleep disturbances
55. stress upsets emotional balance
56. irrational fears
57. flaking, brittle, and weak nails
58. water retention
59. feelings of anger
60. mood swings
61. anxiety
62. abdominal bloating
63. agitation
64. agoraphobia
65. blood clots
66. brown patches on cheeks
67. bruising and capillary breakage
68. chronic fatigue
69. claustrophobia
70. lethargy
71. rage
72. self-mutilation
73. verbal and physical violence
74. dark rings under the eyes
75. eat or drink to alleviate depression
76. difficulty in getting up after enough sleep
77. dizziness
78. tired all the time
79. frequent or regular migraines
80. feelings of tension
81. cravings for sweet foods
82. procrastination
83. asthma
84. loss of libido
85. short term memory loss
86. clumsiness
87. acne
88. insomnia
89. nervousness
90. palpitations
91. inability to concentrate
92. hypoglycemia
93. manic behavior
94. obsessions without compulsions
95. cracked heels
96. endometriosis
97. low libido
98. osteoporosis
99. paranoia
100. prostate problems
101. spaced out
102. weight gain at puberty/childbirth/menopause
103. feelings of aggression
104. quick reaction or over-reaction to alcohol
105. forget what you’re about to say
106. fuzzy brain
107. alcohol abuse
108. cold hands and feet
109. quick tempered
110. frequent or regular headaches
111. irritability
112. dry skin
113. incontinence
114. personality changes
115. regular epileptic fits
116. psoriasis
117. shaking or trembling
118. itching skin
119. varicose veins
120. low blood pressure
121. constipation
122. allergies or sensitivities to foods or chemicals
123. brown spots on backs of hands
124. fainting spells
125. burning eyes
126. misty vision
127. painful eyes
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