Dr. David Minkoff’s Health Blog

Is Brain Fog keeping you from enjoying life? OHR #523

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Message From Dr. Minkoff

I just saw this quote from James Clear and found it profound…..


James Clear
Author of Atomic Habits
Creator of the
3-2-1 Newsletter
Founding Author of
Authors Equity

“Two simple rules:

  1. You get better at what you practice.
  2. Everything is practice.

Look around and you may be surprised by what people are “practicing” each day. If you consider each moment a repetition, what are most people training for all day long?

Many people are practicing getting mad on social media. Others are practicing the fine art of noticing how they have been wronged. Still more have mastered the craft of making plans (but never following through).

But, of course, it doesn’t have to be that way.

What are you practicing?”

In the new year set some goals for practicing what it takes to maintain a healthy body and a thriving life.

Practice going to bed and getting up at the same time.

Eating organic food.

Taking your supplements.

Avoiding toxins and alcohol and all drugs unless doctor prescribed and needed.

Getting sunshine.

Having a bowel movement daily.

Exercising daily.

Being nice to people.

Being optimistic.

Thanking the creator for your existence.

Set up your day so you can accomplish these practices.

You do have the power to do that.

Make your own schedule and checklist and give yourself a score at the end of each day/week.

In another year of these practices, you will be a new you.

You won’t recognize yourself.

You won’t regret it.

Have fun.

Yours in health,

David I Minkoff, MD

Environmental Toxins

Many chronic conditions are becoming more widespread and apparent as time continues to move forward. This is due to the constant environmental toxins that continue to penetrate the air that we breathe and water that we drink. Not to mention, all of the daily products that people use (like cosmetics, cleaning products, plastic containers, gasoline, silverware, water bottles, and soda cans) which further adds more chemicals into the air.

Environmental toxins affecting a body and health

Video: Environmental Toxins

Environmental toxins are chemicals that disrupt the sensitive biological systems of the human body. Environmental toxins can act as endocrine disruptors, cause cancer, and lea...

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Learn how to detoxify & heal your body naturally. Receive this free email series to learn how to eliminate the toxins in your body naturally.

Helpful Environmental Toxin Resources

  • Environmental Toxins - our complete page on environmental toxins. Learn how environment toxins can affect your life and how to recover from these.