Most likely you have heard of the Flint, Michigan water crisis of 2015 where residents were exposed to bacteria, byproducts of disinfectants and dangerous levels of lead. This is just one example of how we can be unexpectedly exposed to chemicals that can harm our health.
On a daily basis we are exposed to molds, pesticides, and a variety of environmental toxins. They enter our bodies through what we apply to our skin, what we eat and drink, the air we breathe, and the water we swim, bathe and shower in. Over time these toxins build up in the body causing illness, disease, and poor health. Toxins can even be responsible for childhood developmental disorders such as autism and ADHD. Clearly environmental toxins can be a problem for our health. But what can we do about it?
Here’s what you’ll find in this article:
Environmental Toxins: Where and How?
Toxins can come from a variety of sources, from the food we eat to the cosmetics we use, to the carpet we walk on and the plastics we use.
Some professions lend themselves more heavily to toxin exposure. For example, carpenters and construction workers who build houses or remodel are regularly exposed to high levels of toxins. Other examples might be hair stylists who color hair and use sprays and products that are not all natural or organic, farmers who regularly apply pesticides and herbicides to their crops, mechanics who are exposed to asbestos and gasoline in their job, and manicurists and pedicurists who use strong chemicals to clean, paint, and harden nails. However, you don’t have to have a chemically laden job to be affected by toxins.
In a study commissioned by the Environmental working Group, they found 287 chemicals in newborn umbilical cord blood and of those, 180 were known carcinogens and 217 were known to be toxic the brain and nervous system. This is an example of how toxic our environment has become, where unborn children already have a heavy load of toxic substances in their blood!
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The Role of Toxicity in Disease
Because we are exposed to so many toxins on a daily basis, often the body cannot keep up with the detoxification process. Our bodies can be compared to a pool that has a filter. As the filter gets more and more clogged with debris, sludge, and chemicals, the pool water gets dirty and discolored. Eventually if left unchecked, the filtration systems and pump may break down and the pool becomes unusable.
So it is with our bodies. Our detoxification pathways can become so bogged down by the sheer number of chemicals we are exposed to that it can no longer filter out more. This leads to a breakdown of other bodily systems and sets the stage for disease because the cells can no longer function properly under those conditions. Add to this that some toxins, such as heavy metals, bury themselves deep into brain or other tissues and are difficult for the normal detoxification systems in the body to expel.
For more in depth information on toxins, see our article: Molds, Pesticides and Environmental Toxins.
Symptoms and Consequences of Toxicity
Some people have symptoms of toxicity immediately which may include rashes, difficulty breathing, general malaise, lightheadedness, or even vomiting. Other long-term symptoms or consequences of toxicity may include:
- Chronic Illness
- Chronic Inflammation
- Dementia
- Depression
- Diabetes
- Fibromyalgia
- Gastrointestinal Disorders
- Memory loss
- Hormone imbalances
- Inability to lose weight
- Insomnia
- Menstrual problems
- Unexplained body movements/tremors
What Is Detoxification?
Detoxification is the process whereby a poison or toxin is removed from the body. Many systems and organs in the body contribute to detoxification including the liver, kidneys, lungs, intestines, skin and the lymphatic system. Each has their own pathway and process to detoxify the body. Since toxins enter the body through many different pathways, it makes sense that the body would have more than one way of riding it of toxins. However, when one or more of these systems is overloaded or not working properly, illness and disease can result.
How We Approach Detoxification at LifeWorks
Although there are many things we can do on our own to detoxify and limit our exposure to environmental toxins, sometimes the body is just too sick for these to help enough. Depending on how toxic your body is and what diseases you are suffering from, you may want to consider professional detoxification services.
At LifeWorks we conduct a thorough exam and testing to determine the root causes of your health issues. If heavy metal toxicity or toxic overload are found, we can use various natural techniques to address the issue. We may recommend:
Detoxification Testimonials
Deb’s Mold Testimonial*
Major Autohemotherapy Success*
Chronic Fatigue/Digestive Issues*
Get Healthy Through Detoxification
Many illnesses are either caused by or won’t heal and respond to treatment until the build-up of toxins in the body is eliminated.
We are detoxification experts and have put thousands of patients through various kinds of detoxification protocols that safely remove heavy metals, pesticides, and chemicals.
If you have a stubborn health condition and suspect toxin may be holding your recovery back or if you feel you may be suffering from the consequences of toxic build up, please contact us at (727) 466-6789 or submit an online patient inquiry.
We look forward to working with you to help your body detoxify naturally!
Tips for Detoxification and Reduction of Toxic Exposure
There are many things we can do to help our bodies detoxify and reduce our exposure to toxins in the first place. Here is a list of some ideas:
- Eat a healthy diet full of whole, properly raised foods: grass-fed and naturally raised meats and wild-caught fish, organic fruits and vegetables, and little or no processed foods and refined sugars
- Use natural and organic skin and hair care products
- Build and remodel using eco-friendly materials that have little to no outgassing
- Drink purified or natural spring water
- Consider natural detoxification supplements and elimination diets
- Consider eliminating dairy and grains as these can cause inflammation
- Drink green tea
- Take supplements such vitamin C and liver support supplements
- Eat foods that help with detoxification such as beets, cabbage, broccoli, artichokes, seaweed, and blue-green algae
- Avoid using plastics, styrofoam, tinfoil, and aluminum and toxic cookware
Doctor’s Videos on Detoxification
More On Detoxification
Chronic Pain Treatment
Pesticides and Their Health Dangers
Molds, Pesticides and Environmental Toxins
Detoxifying, Cleaning & Healing your Body with Ozone Therapy
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Heavy Metal Toxicity
Learn about heavy metal toxicity, what it is, where it comes from and how it can potentially affect your health and what you can do about it. Heavy metal toxicity can contribute to neurological disorders, a variety of degenerative diseases, inflammation, a compromised immune system and auto-immune conditions.
Mercury Poisoning*
Chelation Therapy
Heavy-Metal Detoxification
Video: Influence of Teeth on Your Health
Video: How does HM toxicity mimic other health conditions?
Heavy Metal Toxicity can mimic other conditions. Learn more.