
Nine Symptoms of Insomnia

Insomnia symptoms

If you’ve ever suffered with insomnia, had difficulty sleeping for a while, or even lost sleep due to life circumstances, you know how poor quality and insufficient sleep affects us as humans. Sleep gives our bodies the opportunity to repair themselves and our minds a chance to rest. Without enough sleep, we feel irritable and inefficient, and we are less able to concentrate on our daily tasks.

Each individual needs a different amount of sleep, but most people do best with 7-9 hours per night. The amount of sleep we need to revitalize and function efficiently during the day also changes as we grow older. Young babies sleep for up to 18 hours each day, but as we age the amount of time sleeping usually ends up at an average of seven hours per night. We also tend to wake more during the night as we age and take longer to get to sleep in the first place.

The main symptoms of insomnia are:

  1. Difficulty falling asleep
  2. Difficulty staying asleep
  3. Waking during the night, or waking too early in the 7-9 hour sleep cycle, with difficulty going back to sleep
  4. Waking up fatigued and as though you hadn’t slept much (non-restorative sleep)
  5. Sleepiness and tiredness during the day
  6. Brain fog, difficulty paying attention, and focusing on tasks
  7. An increase in mistakes, error, or accidents
  8. Anxiety over going to sleep or staying asleep
  9. Irritability, depression, anxiety, and other mood disturbances

Insomnia can also interfere with relationships and cause behavior problems such as impulsivity and aggression.

Click here to learn more about insomnia.

If you’re still suffering from insomnia despite trying to handle it on your own, maybe it’s time to see a natural health insomnia specialist who can examine your symptoms, do a full medical checkup and locate the source(s) of your insomnia so you can get back to a healthy restorative sleep pattern, which will help you to have the more active lifestyle you really want.

 Please call (727) 466-6789 for more information or to schedule an appointment.

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