Knowledgebase, Common Conditions We Treat, General health

Health & Wellness

Doctor holding a small heart in his hands

Achieve Optimum Health & Energy
with a Natural & Holistic Approach.

The quality of your life largely depends on how healthy you are.
We'll help you become the healthiest version of yourself possible!

General Health & Wellness

Achieve Optimum Health & Energy
with a Natural & Holistic Approach.

The quality of your life largely depends on how healthy you are.
We'll help you become the healthiest version of yourself possible!

Achieving Great Health & Energy

How have you been feeling? We all realize that our enjoyment and the quality of life largely depends on the condition of our health and well-being and the amount of energy we have available to do the things we love. And who doesn’t want to live a healthy, vibrant life?

Today we have access to more information than ever before and people are using that information to be more proactive in their diet, exercise and lifestyle choices. But what happens when you’re doing everything you can and you’re still not quite where you want to be?

That’s where we come in. We’ve been practicing natural medicine for over 30 years and can help you resolve nagging health issues, low energy, weight issues, mystery illnesses, mood issues and more serious concerns.

How Have You Been Feeling?

If you think about your health when you were a teenager or young adult what comes to mind? Did you have lots of energy, could eat whatever you wanted, and generally felt pretty good?

Over time we can find our energy and vitality starting to wane and we end up doing less than before. Maybe we become less social, maybe we’re more tired than we used to be, or maybe we just start feeling “off” or we feel as if we’re always having some issue preventing us from being our best selves.

Maybe you’ve had tests run by your doctors but your lab tests all came back “normal”. In such situations, doctors can try to explain that it’s either all in your head or that you have depression and may want to prescribe antidepressants.

Unfortunately this is often a misdiagnosis or merely trying to mask symptoms. When a doctor is being dismissive when you know something’s not quite right can actually lead to depression and anxiety.

You deserve to be heard and taken seriously and we’re here to listen and help you get to the bottom of it. And here’s the good news… often it’s something easily treatable.

How We Approach Your Health at LifeWorks

Whether you have a specific health concern, or want to improve and maintain your general health, LifeWorks Wellness Center offers more cutting edge natural treatments than virtually any other natural health clinic in the U.S. to help you restore your health and wellness.

We know that the entire body is a system in which all parts affect the whole. This means that we approach your general health in a holistic manner.

  • First, we listen to you and do not dismiss your concerns or give you an off-the-shelf diagnosis and drug treatment.
  • Second, we run tests to see where things may be going wrong in your body and why.
  • Third, we develop a natural healing protocol specific to you, depending on the needs of your body. We use the most natural and effective treatments available and discuss with you the how and why of the treatment protocol we recommend.

We’ll Get You Healthy Again!

Whether you’re looking to regain your health and wellness or just improve your health to the next level, we can likely help you.

To set up an initial appointment call us at our Clearwater clinic at (727) 466-6789 or submit an online patient inquiry.

Contact LifeWorks


Mon – Thurs: 9:00am – 5pm
Friday: 9:00am – 4pm
301 Turner Street
Clearwater, FL 33756
Lifeworks wellness center, llc, clinic, clearwater, fl

Become A Patient

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Overcome health issues, naturally! Avoid medications, invasive procedures, and misdiagnoses. Learn how to heal naturally in this free email series.

Patient Testimonials

We have hundreds of patient testimonials on our website. Also check out our patient testimonials on Facebook!

We’ll Get You Healthy Again!

Whether you’re looking to regain your health and wellness or just improve your health to the next level, we can likely help you.

To set up an initial appointment call us at our Clearwater clinic at (727) 466-6789 or submit an online patient inquiry.

Contact LifeWorks


Mon – Thurs: 8:45am – 5pm
Friday: 8:45am – 4pm
301 Turner Street
Clearwater, FL 33756

Become A Patient

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Common Health Concerns

Health concerns can range from common issues such as fatigue, tiredness, digestive issues, insomnia, aches and pains and generally not feeling good to autoimmune diseases and cancer. Whatever your health concern, it is important to discover the underlying causes and treat those rather than the symptoms. For example, inflammation and digestive issues are root causes of many health conditions. Also, misdiagnosed and untreated Lyme disease causes a whole host of health issues in the body.

Here are some of the many common health concerns we see and treat at LifeWorks:

For more information about specific health concerns, check out our pages on common health issues, or our A to Z list of health conditions on our site.

Doctor’s Videos on General Health

Watch more than 100 different videos on various health conditoons