In This Edition:
- Happy New Year
- LifeWorks Success
- Dr. Minkoff on Thyroid Disease
- The Absurdity of it All
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- LifeWorks Accepts Care Credit
Billion Dollar Drug Industry
Greetings all and a belated Happy New Year!
Have you been to a dozen doctors and not really gotten any better?
Here is what the result looks like…
“I came to Dr. Minkoff after being sick for over 15 years and diagnosed as depressed, chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. I had only learned about Lyme in the past year, but could find no one in Ohio or Indiana that could help me. I could no longer stomach supplements and most foods. I came for the month of August and received great treatment from Lisa, Amelia and Angel (IV room). I went home with a treatment plan to continue ozone therapy and was able to start slowly adding in foods and supplements. Dr. Minkoff and his caring staff saved my life and I am so grateful. I love that I can come here and know Dr. Minkoff is brilliant and he and his staff will take great care of me. I tell everyone who comes to push through and follow protocol.”
C. K.
At LifeWorks we fix bodies naturally. Call us if you want help.
We are here to get you better.
Have a great week.
Dr David I Minkoff MD
My LifeWorks Success Story
“Thank you all for your kindness while having my treatments. It was such a comfort to me knowing the professionalism Dr. Minkoff has here at LifeWorks. Each and every person was an asset to my healing. When I first came here, it was a hope that I would go home well. The HOCATT helped with sweating out the toxins and killing the Lyme.
The MAS MAT was making my joints feel better and pain go away. All the IV’s slowly gave me more flexibility. The Prolozone really helps repair the scar tissue in my neck and lower back from a car accident from 30+ years. I know when I go home; I will have a renewed outlook on my life. Thanks to all.
Blessings to you Dr. Minkoff and the IV family. Your faithfulness to your job and measured kindness and love will always be remembered. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you is too small for my deep gratitude.”
-Donna P.
Read More Testimonials About Lyme Disease Treatments
Dr. Minkoff’s Condition Corner
In this series of videos LifeWorks’ practitioner, Dr. Minkoff, talks about a number of different conditions.
This week’s topic: Thyroid Disease
The Absurdity of it All
By Jennifer Baer, ARNP
I just started reading a bill which is being introduced to be passed by the Senate and I thought immediately, I must write about this. Deception is a criminal act and it often occurs in front of our eyes in the guise of something beautiful and good for us. I think that some of these people who are putting this bill together are well-meaning people but for some, the wool is being pulled over their eyes.
One event that is occurring, is the 21st Century Cures Act. It passed in the House of Representatives and is headed to the Senate with most senators not even reading the small print of this mere 1,000 page document. The bill is called HR 34. It was originally HR 6 which was passed in the summer of 2015. The bill than stalled and was broken up into smaller bills but over the Thanksgiving holiday, it was reassembled as HR34.
This bill is portrayed as a wonderful bill to help humanity but it is said, if you read the document, it is clearly to help the pharmaceutical industry and only them.
One issue with the bill is that people will no longer be allowed informed consent for devices or drugs that are being tested. In other words, patients who are treated, can be tested with drugs and devices being used for studies as long as there are safeguards in place and as long as there are safeguards in place if something goes wrong.
I remember in college, we were taught that informed consent was of utmost importance. A patient had to be informed about what was being done to them. Informing patients of potential adverse effects could not be stressed enough on us as budding young nursing students.
In an article in Citizens Health Report the following was said:
“We use clinical trials not only to study the efficacy of drugs and devices, but also to determine their safety profiles. Under the 21st Century Act, no clinical trial can proceed unless the safety profiles are known. The effect of this act is to leave “safety” to guesswork and rationalization, and to allow the medical establishment to assess harm in drugs and devices in a manner in which (1) the patients are not informed that they are in a clinical trial, and (2) they have no right to say “No” to being part of an experiment. If they are harmed during the trial, they cannot know that they should sue because any ill effect of the experimental drug or device cannot be traced to the experiment. This allows the medical establishment to experiment on the population with impunity. The act does not specify “minimal risk”. (This is probably one of the ones that resonates most with staffers)”
Another concern in the bill HR34, is that vaccines would be fast tracked with no eye upon the side effects, potential damage and harm to the individuals taking them.
In addition, this bill allows the government to access your health records without your approval or without you even knowing.
One of the most upsetting approvals is it would allow Electric Shock Therapy to be used as a “cure” for seizures and maladaptive behavior.
But just to make it more outlandish, a gentleman by the name of David Hilzenrath, at the Project on Government Oversight(1), noted that 39 of 42 advocacy groups who were involved in discussions with the FDA on this very subject, received funding from pharmaceutical companies.
One report that studied the monetary spending on this bill revealed 24.7 million dollars spent on lobbying for this bill. The mega-drug maker AbbVie — which manufacturers Humira, one of the most lucrative pharmaceuticals marketed for multiple uses — spent up to $7.7 million. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce spent up to $136.5 million(2).
So, this is what is occurring behind the scenes when we are not looking.
Being alert, proactive and aware can help for generations to come!!
What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is recognized by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as a defined clinical condition. CFS usually manifests as extreme tiredness or fatigue which cannot be remedied with sleep. Symptoms often intensify after physical exertion and a person with CFS is usually very inhibited in the activities they can undertake.
The demographic most often affected by CFS is women between the ages of 30 and 50, but overweight or inactive people are also at increased risk of falling victim to chronic fatigue syndrome. Risks also increase in people who have allergies, depression or who lead very stressful lives, and environmental factors may also play a part.
Diagnosing CFS can be difficult for a physician because reliable testing is limited and the symptoms are very similar to those of other conditions. For this reason, often misdiagnosis can occur and a patient may be told they have Lyme disease, lupus, fibromyalgia, mononucleosis or hypothyroidism. Treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome can only begin when a correct diagnosis is made.
What Causes CFS?
There is no one-known cause of CFS and many researchers believe that there may be a number of factors which contribute to CFS occurring. These may include viruses, hypertension, immune impairment, and hormonal problems.
Another trigger could be stress, which can place a burden on the immune system and the central nervous system, causing inflammation to occur.
Another cause of chronic fatigue syndrome may be viruses, since CFS often develops after a viral infection such as human herpes-6, Epstein-Barr, rubella, Candida albicans and mycoplasma.
What are the Symptoms of Chronic Fatigue
The symptoms of CFS are very varied and depend on its severity. As the name suggests, fatigue is the most common of the symptoms, but it usually has to last six months or more before it is diagnosed as chronic fatigue. Other symptoms include headaches, muscle ache, memory loss, joint pain, sore throat and tender lymph nodes.