Health Conditions

Circulation Problems

A person with circulation problems

The heart and blood vessels are collectively responsible for maintaining a continuous flow of blood through the body, known as the circulatory system. This provides all the body tissues with a regular supply of oxygen and nutrients, and carries away carbon dioxide and other waste products.

On its journey from the heart to the tissues, blood is forced along the arteries at high pressure. On the return journey through the veins back to the heart, it is at low pressure, kept moving by the muscles in the arms and legs compressing the walls of the veins and by valves in the veins preventing the blood from flowing backwards. Lack of exercise or a sedentary lifestyle may therefore contribute to circulatory problems.

Poor circulation results from an abnormal narrowing widening and thinning of the walls of arteries and veins.

Symptoms of poor circulation can range from chest pains (heart attacks) and leg pains (peripheral vascular disease), to strokes.

Poor circulation is particularly prevalent in those who are overweight or who drink too much alcohol. Heavy smokers are advised to quit because nicotine reduces the blood circulation in the skin.

Learn more on our natural treatment for cardiovascular issues page.

Contact Us Today

If you are having a problem in this area, we can help you, naturally at our Clearwater clinic.

For an appointment or more information, contact our new patient scheduler at (727) 466-6789.

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