Heart Health

How Detoxification Improves Cardiovascular Health

How detoxification improves cardiovascular health

Do you currently suffer with cardiovascular issues? Do us a favor… the next time that you decide to take a stroll outdoors, use personal hygiene products, cleaning products, change your hair color, or take a bite out of a frozen pizza, please consider this question… How many environmental toxins is your body vulnerable to every single day and could this be a major cause to your heart problems?

There are many key factors that lead to heart conditions such as DNA or the consequences of poor lifestyle decisions. Although, the possibility of inflammation being a culprit is not a common theory among most conventional doctors. The truth is, the American Heart Association confirmed that “inflammation is common for heart disease and stroke patients and is thought to be a sign or atherogenic response¹.” Inflammation leads to an ongoing buildup of “cholesterol-rich plaque”, which if ignored, causes a blockage within the artery walls and blood vessels.

What does this have to do with environmental toxins? Common exposure to environmental toxins leads to bacterial buildup which causes inflammation within the body. This inflammation has the potential of affecting the cardiovascular system by causing plaque accumulation, thus inducing cardiovascular disease, strokes, and heart attacks. The entire cycle is a domino effect solely brought on by the chemicals that circulate in the air or objects that are used every single day. That is why at LifeWorks Wellness Center, we sometimes advise patients to consider detoxification to improve their heart conditions.

How Can Detoxification Benefit the Heart?

When the heart is congested with toxins such as heavy metals, pesticides, mold, or chemicals, this can spawn a surfeit of problems. According to Time Magazine, “researchers found a strong association between seven out of 23 environmental pollutants tested and plaque buildup in the carotid artery².” When atherosclerosis occurs, blood vessels become narrow which reduces blood flow to the heart. If this continues untreated, an area of plaque can rupture and cause a heart attack. The purpose of detoxification is to cleanse the body of these substances and decrease the amount of inflammation in the system, thus removing the fatty plaque from the arteries and blood pressure levels returning to normal.

Detoxification Methods That Work Well For the Cardiovascular System

Most doctors within the medical industry suggest cholesterol, blood pressure, or other heart related medications to relieve symptoms. In extreme cases, they may even recommend a stent implantation or bypass surgery. While these methods may mitigate the symptoms, they won’t do much to resolve issues and are very invasive to the body. As an alternative, LifeWorks provides different detox treatment methods that can benefit heart health in the long-term. Some of our detoxification treatments are:

  • Chelation Therapy: Chelation is the primary detox intravenous treatment for patients with loads of heavy metals, pesticides, and bacterial accumulation within their system. The IV is made with EDTA and is used to eliminate toxins within the bloodstream. When a body undergoes chelation, energy levels and blood circulation gradually get better overtime. Additionally, calcium deposits that are responsible for clogging blood vessels are removed, thus facilitating blood flow. Platelets (also known as blood clot elements) are less sticky which minimizes coagulation.
  • Plaquex Therapy: This is an intravenous detox treatment that contains phospholipid to release plaque from arteries and create cell membranes. This alternative treatment is used to help those who suffer from high cholesterol, poor circulation, fatty liver deposits, kidney malfunctions, and atherosclerosis.
  • Ozone Therapies: The compound of ozone has multiple anti-inflammatory properties, and if used as a detoxifier, it helps to cleanse the body of all antioxidants, chemicals, and heavy metals. Bacterial accumulation and inflammation have a proclivity to cause issues within the cardiovascular system, but with ozone treatments such as Hyperthermic Ozone and Carbonic Acid Transdermal Technology (HOCATT), Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation (EBOO), Major Autohemotherapy (MAH), Ultra Violet Biophoton Light Therapy (UVBI), or Chezone Treatment, etc., these issues can gradually slow down or permanently come to a halt.
  • Glutathione: This is an intravenous treatment that is produced with amino acids glycine, glutamic acids, and cysteine. It protects the body from inflammation, toxins, and pathogens. Our bodies naturally produce it via the liver, however if enough isn’t generated, the functions of the immune system can be damaged. It can be distributed to patients as an oral supplement, inhalant or IV treatment depending on what it is needed for, however at LifeWorks, it is administered intravenously. For those with heart conditions, Verywell Health explained that glutathione could help “reduce vascular stiffness, lower cholesterol, and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol³.” Additionally, it is also used to treat diabetics, improve cellular repair, improve blood flow, and detoxify the liver. 

 Take Care of Your Heart and Body

Detoxification has multiple benefits for the whole body. These therapies increase energy levels, flush out malevolent bacteria, eliminates environmental toxins and chemicals, and boost the immune system. With its connection to inflammation, the cardiovascular system benefits greatly from detoxification, as the minimization of inflammation equals a clean and healthier heart. Plus, a cleaner body means the reduction of all types of diseases, including heart disease. It is highly encouraged for patients suffering with heart conditions to receive a body detox and to take care of themselves accordingly.

At LifeWorks Wellness Center, we can provide assistance for those who are looking to treat their heart using detoxification methods. If you wish to schedule an appointment with one of our practitioners, please call 727-466-6789.