Heart Health

Natural Ways to Reduce Blood Pressure

Person getting blood pressure taken

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is normally defined as “the force of blood pushing through the walls of blood vessels being consistently too high¹.” Blood pressure is considered normal if the systolic number (upper numeral) is less than 120 and the diastolic number (lower numeral) is less than 80. If the systolic number reads anything higher than 120, this is considered elevated blood pressure. Finally, an abnormally high blood pressure number is 140/90 or higher. People with high blood pressure readings are required to seek immediate medical attention as this can potentially lead to serious heart conditions such as cardiovascular disease, angina, damaged arteries, and decreased blood flow and oxygen to the heart.

The American Heart Association (AHA) recognizes hypertension as the “silent killer”, as it is an invisible disease and a small amount of individuals don’t realize that they have it until they receive a checkup with their practitioner. Risk factors of the condition can vary with age, weight, DNA, lifestyle, and stress, however while these are causes of hypertension, there are several ways that people can lower their blood pressure using natural remedies.

Ozone Therapy

Ozone (O3) is a gas made up of three oxygen atoms instead of two (hence the 3 within its element symbol). While Ozone Therapy is useful as a natural body detoxifier, immune system booster, and resets mitochondria within cells, it is also useful in reducing inflammation within arteries and improving blood conditions. Ozone also has the ability to break down cholesterol, strengthen artery walls, and provide a boost to red blood cells to carry oxygen to the heart. At LifeWorks Wellness Center, we treat many of our patients using ozone steam saunas called Hyperthermic Ozone and Carbonic Acid Transdermal Technology (HOCATT), and ozone intravenous treatments such as Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation (EBOO), Major Autohemotherapy (MAH), Ultra Violet Blood Irradiation (UVBI), and Chezone Treatments. Prior to receiving any of these treatments, please consult with a practitioner to determine which treatment options would be best for you.

Increase Sleep

Sleep has multiple benefits to the human body. It can help control hormones that are needed to regulate metabolism, strengthen one’s immune system, provide natural energy, improve memory, and stabilize heart health tremendously. Those who are sleep deprived may eventually see their blood pressure increase to very high or dangerous levels that can lead to other heart issues such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, or irregular heartbeats. It is recommended that adults receive about seven hours of sleep every night. Anything less than six hours of sleep can cause stress, lack of focus, obesity and bad eating/drinking habits (such as drinking caffeinated drinks to stay awake), which subsequently will result in poor overall health. Stress is one factor that leads to an increase of hypertension risks, thus having a good night’s rest should help defuse this situation entirely.


While conventional health doctors prescribe an abundance of medications and chemically induced additives to relieve the symptoms of hypertension, LifeWorks believes in a more practical approach. Sometimes, high blood pressure can be caused by a vitamin or mineral deficiency.  Supplements that are recommended for those with high blood pressure include Magnesium, Vitamin D, Omega 3 Fatty Acids, Potassium, B Vitamins, and garlic. Out of all of these, most patients that suffer from heart conditions are found to have a severe lack of magnesium levels. Magnesium is responsible for supporting muscle contractions within the body and works together with calcium to help generate a steady heartbeat. With low magnesium levels, calcium will overstimulate the heart which causes hypercontraction, thus increasing hypertension. We suggest patients speak with their practitioner prior to any supplement consumption in order to determine the right vitamins or minerals that the body is lacking and evaluate the proper amount that should be ingested.

Improving Diet

Controlling hypertension is the most common and effective way of preventing heart disease. Therefore, in order to successfully impede the development of heart disease, one needs to control their hypertension. One of the biggest reasons why blood pressure may increase is because of poor nutrients and diet. While this may seem rather obvious, those who are at risk of developing hypertension often struggle with obesity. Healthgrades, a health care company responsible for providing the general public with vital health information, reported that “nearly 70% of adults in the United States are overweight or obese and nearly one in every three U.S adults have high blood pressure².” Foods that can greatly assist in improving both obesity and hypertension are:

  • Citrus Fruits
  • Salmon
  • Berries
  • Pistachios
  • Carrots
  • Celery
  • Spinach
  • Tomatoes
  • Broccoli

For those with hypertension, LifeWorks Wellness Center highly recommends the Ketogenic Diet to help keep track of one’s carbohydrate intake. With the reduction of carbs, this will force the body to burn fat for energy rather than carbs. Additionally, this diet is also useful for those diagnosed with cancer and cognitive disorders.

At LifeWorks, we strongly believe that other underlying conditions such as inflammation and bacterial buildup are a major cause of hypertension. Inflammation can cause blood vessels to be overstimulated, thus not being able to relax. Those who come in with high blood pressure issues will receive a functional evaluation to get to the root cause of their hypertension. Before attempting any of the above, please consult with a LifeWorks practitioner. If you are suffering with hypertension, please call 727-466-6789 to schedule an appointment.

Helpful Heart Health Resources

  • Heart Health - our complete page on heart health / cardiovascular treatment.