I had been extremely ill since about the age of 7. I am now 36 but giving up was not an option. I hadn’t fought this hard to just stop now. I was told by many highly ranked medical clinics that I was just too complicated and there was nothing they could do to help me. Getting diagnosis after diagnosis, going from Doctor to Doctor, things just didn’t make sense to me. I knew there was something causing all of the underlying symptoms and illnesses.
After doing extensive research, I found LifeWorks online and from the moment I read their website and listened to testimonial after testimonial, I knew I had to get there. The trip from California wasn’t easy being so ill and pretty much bed-bound, but I knew in my heart it would be worth it. I was confident that if anyone could figure out the over 80 symptoms I was having, Dr. Minkoff could. At my first appointment, I knew beyond a doubt that I had made the right decision. Dr. Minkoff knew what had been causing me to be ill for so many years. I was diagnosed with Chronic Lyme Disease and other co-infections and Chronic fatigue. I found out I was also infected with Parasites. My autoimmune condition was slowly killing me. With extensive testing, we found out that I also had a severe case of mold toxicity, Thyroid problems, and Adrenal insufficiency.
Dr. Minkoff really listened to me, ordered several specialized lab tests, and most importantly saw the big picture of what was keeping me existing and not living life.
The treatments that helped me the most were the IVs, which included Ozone therapy, the Myer’s cocktail, and Glutathione.
Also, PEMF eliminated most of the years of pain I had experienced. The supplements and Paleo way of eating continue to help me daily. The IV room is amazing. It became like my second home. The staff is really good at what they do. They were each such a vital part of my treatment and healing. They really care and always had a way to make me laugh and even helped build my confidence. I would like to sincerely thank each of them.
LifeWorks is an environment where everyone really cares about you and your well-being as an individual. For me, that was a big part of my healing. No matter how I felt, the staff was always there with support and encouragement. Thank you to each of you. You have all helped me tremendously. A very special thank you to Tamora, Wanda, and Amelia. I can never thank you each enough for your dedication and support. I truly miss every staff member.
Dr. Minkoff, you know when I first arrived I couldn’t remember words, let alone write a sentence or make much sense. Now I don’t want to stop writing. The migraines, stomach pain, dizziness, chest pain, and brain fog were probably destroying my life the most. You never once doubted my ability to heal and to have a bright future. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
Jennifer C.
Lyme Disease Testimonials
Helpful Lyme Resources
- Lyme Disease Treatment - a page dedicated to treating lyme disease.
- Lyme Disease Testimonials - patient success stories overcoming lyme disease.