LifeWorks Wellness Center’s patient, Lynn, was diagnosed with Lyme in 2013. Listen to her story of dealing with Post Vaccination Inflammation of the Peripheral Nervous System since November 2016. In October 2017, she came to LifeWorks Wellness Center and finally found relief when she met with Dr. Minkoff. Dr Minkoff diagnosed Lynn with severe autoimmunity and Lyme Disease.
Hi, my name is Lynn and before I came to LifeWorks,
I had Lyme disease since 2013 and was being treated by a naturopath back home, which is in Connecticut and was making progress in fighting Lyme disease. But on November 30th 2016, I was forced to get the flu vaccine against my will and my health spiraled downhill quickly. Within hours of having the vaccine my joints swelled. Within a day my muscles were twitching and within three days I was in the emergency room with myoclonic jerks of every one of my limbs. I was unable to work for seven weeks and went to 27 appointments over those 35 days. Had numerous blood tests and EEGs and was diagnosed with post vaccination inflammation of the peripheral nervous system. My reflexes were both spread and crossed which means when you hit my right elbow, my right and my left leg moved and every single day I had jerking of all of my limbs. I continued under the care of a naturopath at home who gave me some supplements to try to keep the inflammation down but I slowly got an increase in energy. I had extreme fatigue after the vaccine injury but I slowly got back to work on a part-time basis. In July, I started working close to 40 hours and then the muscles in my body began to disintegrate, which was very alarming. I had difficulty standing. I had to actually stand with my legs about three feet apart in order to be able to stand. I lost the muscles in my face, my arms and I had a muscle biopsy which revealed that I had increased internalized nuclei. I’ve been to more than a dozen doctors and nobody had a plan for me… how to stop the muscle loss. So I had heard about Dr. Minkoff through an Immune Defense Summit and I thought that he was very knowledgeable and seemed like he had success in treating patients, where other people were not able to successfully treat them. So I made an appointment with him on October 5th and was immediately very impressed. He really tries to peel the layers of the onion apart to get to the core of what the problem was. On that day he told me that I was in severe autoimmunity from the flu shot, as well as having Lyme disease. And unlike the other 12 physicians I had seen, he actually had a plan to stop the process of muscle disintegration and autoimmunity… and so he started me on a Ketogenic diet and started me on Ozone IV, Ultraviolet UVBI IV, Glutathione and Myers’ cocktails, as well as HOCATT sauna, PEMF and Mas Mat. I will be honest it was a little overwhelming the first week but I felt better after the first week of treatment and then the second week I did started the diet which had positive change as well and a number of supplements. So as the week’s progressed my energy level improved and I just overall felt better… and I… my muscles have stopped disintegrating and they’re actually coming back which was something that we weren’t sure could happen. So I’ve been here for ten weeks and it is amazing, remarkable the amount of progress that I’ve made under Dr. Minkoff’s guidance with his superb staff. The staff are not only very good at their job, they’re also very compassionate and that includes you know Amelia and Leslie and everyone in the IV room. Tamora has helped me with numerous things. Mary Pat has been a godsend helping me with the diet as well as the supplements but every single person in this building has been warm and helpful. Not only is Dr. Minkoff a brilliant man that was able to figure out how to improve my health, he also is a very compassionate doctor and you don’t usually see that combination and I would… I would have tell anybody who has a chronic illness that is not really getting better and when people don’t have a treatment for your illness, to come to LifeWorks Wellness Center and you will get your health back.
Lyme Disease Testimonials
Helpful Lyme Resources
- Lyme Disease Treatment - a page dedicated to treating lyme disease.
- Lyme Disease Testimonials - patient success stories overcoming lyme disease.