A Lyme disease test is usually ordered by a practitioner when a patient displays symptoms of Lyme disease. The test for Lyme disease is a blood test that detects antibodies to the bacteria spirochetes Borrelia burgdorferi, the bacteria spread by certain ticks and arthropods.
The Problem with Most Lyme Tests
After more than two decades of testing people for Lyme disease, we can say with certainty that there is a problem with most conventional tests for Lyme Disease.
These tests are prone to false negatives, leaving the patient undiagnosed for Lyme disease. Adding insult to injury, this leads the doctor to misdiagnose the patient as having some other condition, like depression, neurological issues or autoimmune conditions.
And so the treatments obviously don’t resolve the patient’s condition because it’s the wrong cause.
The Most Highly Accurate Lyme Test
The test we use is the most sensitive Lyme test available in the world. It routinely confirms Lyme when other tests come back negative.
To resolve the condition, you need to confirm the diagnosis with 100% certainty.
So what kind of Lyme test do you want to get?
When You Need a Lyme Disease Test
Lyme disease can have different stages, especially if it is not detected early on. When a person is bitten by a tick or arthropod, the first sign they may have contracted Lyme disease is a bulls-eye rash, but this is not common in most Lyme patients.
‘Flu-like illnesses such as fever, chills, aches, and pains are the most common symptoms and these usually present within a few days to a few weeks after being bitten.
A Lyme disease test should be performed when a patient reports a rash or ‘flu-like symptoms mentioned. At this stage, a practitioner may order a Lyme disease test although the results may be negative in the first 4-6 weeks. This is because it can take up to two months after becoming infected before antibodies can be detected in a blood test.
When Flu-Like Symptoms are Overlooked
If the flu-like symptoms do not occur in the early stage, Lyme disease may lie dormant until it shows up in more acute ways such as constant headache, light sensitivity, stiff neck, sleep disturbance, arthritis, fatigue, and chest pain.
At this stage, if a test for Lyme disease is not performed and the disease correctly diagnosed, it can lead to permanent damage to the joints, nerves, and brain.
More Symptoms May Develop
Untreated, the infection spreads through the bloodstream and lymph nodes within days to weeks, involving the joints, nervous system, and possibly the heart.
Lyme disease is known as the “great imitator” because the symptoms which display if the disease is not treated, mimic many well-known conditions.
Symptoms You May Experience Include:
- Facial palsy, which is the loss of muscle tone on one or both sides of the face,
- Meningitis, which involves severe headaches, neck stiffness, and sensitivity to light.
- Symptoms resembling Rheumatoid Arthritis, Alzheimer’s, and Fibromyalgia.
For this reason, it is very important to find a practitioner who can perform tests and make an accurate diagnosis.
Got a Mystery Illness? Get a Lyme Test!
Lyme disease is now almost at epidemic proportions, although most patients have no idea they have the disease, they have no recollection of being bitten by a tick and have never seen a bulls-eye rash on their skin.
Patients come to LifeWorks Wellness Center because they have been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, neurological disorders, or chronic fatigue but they are not responding to the treatment they have been prescribed.
We test for Lyme disease in every patient presenting with confounding symptoms and health conditions and a surprising number of them test positive for the disease. With a correct diagnosis, effective treatment can begin.
How We Test for Lyme Disease
At LifeWorks Wellness Center, a Lyme disease test is performed in one or more of three ways.
- As a pre-screening tool, the practitioner will perform a detailed neurological bio-feedback test, known as autonomic reflex testing. Using this test the doctor can screen the body for up to six Lyme organisms. If any of these reflex tests show positive, the doctor will order a highly sensitive blood test.
- After a positive test on the reflex test, we will validate this restul with a highly sensitive Lyme blood test. Most Lyme disease tests are not sensitive enough to detect dormant Lyme but our specialty lab test detects both Lyme and Lyme-like organisms when most other tests come back negative.
- Finally, the practitioner will take a detailed look at the patient’s blood under a microscope to see if any spirochetes are present.
Where to get A Lyme Disease Test
LifeWorks Wellness Center is long recognized as one of the top Lyme Disease treatment clinics in the US.
For more than two decades we have been testing and treating Lyme Disease.
We have athletes, celebrities, and regular patients fly in from all over the world because they simply can’t find clinics offering comprehensive Lyme Disease tests and natural treatment for Lyme Disease where they live.
Get Tested and Treated for Lyme Disease
We have helped many patients regain their health and we would love to help you, too.
To become a patient or for more information feel free to call the New Patient Scheduler at (727) 466-6789 or simply submit an online web inquiry with your request.
Helpful Lyme Resources
- Lyme Disease Treatment - a page dedicated to treating lyme disease.
- Lyme Disease Testimonials - patient success stories overcoming lyme disease.