Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy for Men

We are one of the top natural health clinics offering safe and effective natural hormone replacement for men since 1997.
You may be a candidate for hormone replacement if you’ve been suffering from
- Urinary problems
- Rapid weight gain
- Impotence
- Low sex drive
- Sleep issues
- Depression
- Fatigue
- Lack of motivation
- Diminished athletic performance & recovery time
- And many more (see full list below)
We pride ourselves on taking a more naturalistic and holistic approach toward getting your hormones back into balance.
What Hormone Replacement Therapy Can Do For Men
Benefits of HRT for Men
Hormone replacement therapy for men confers numerous health benefits such as:
- Increases sex drive (libido)
- Reduces or eliminates impotence
- Improves prostate health
- Reduces risk of depression
- Improves mood
- Improves cognitive function and reduces the risk of cognitive impairment
- Reduces the risk of cognitive diseases such as Alzheimer’s Disease
- Increases energy levels
- Improves weight loss and maintenance
- Reduces muscle loss and strength
- Increases the ability to build and maintain muscle mass
- Improves bone density
- Improves sleep
- Reduced urinary problems
- Reduced risk of diabetes
- Improves thyroid function
- Improves clarity of thinking thereby reducing brain fog
- Reduces risk of stroke and osteoporosis
- Reduces the risk of allergies
- Improves production of red blood cells and sperm 1
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Friday: 9:00am – 4pm
Clearwater, FL 33756
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Do You Really Need Hormone Replacement?
Our approach is very different from most hormone replacement clinics, who may push to get you started supplementing with hormones right away.
Before we start anyone on a hormone replacement program, we’re first going to see if there are identifiable reasons why your body is not making sufficient hormones on its own.
In many cases, there are nutritional and functional health factors that can be addressed to get your body producing all the necessary hormones. And with these issues resolved, you may not even need to supplement with natural hormones.
We can determine if these factors play a role during your exam and testing and work out a treatment plan to address it.
If You Do Need Hormone Replacement…
Our clinic prefers to use bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for men which is often referred to as natural hormone replacement therapy.
Bioidentical hormones are plant-derived hormonal compounds that work in the same way as synthetic hormones. We believe there is a benefit to using these more natural compounds vs synthetic hormones.
The Top 5 Benefits of Bioidentical Hormones
The top 5 benefits of using bioidentical hormones vs synthetic hormones are:
- Naturally derived from plant estrogens
- Potentially fewer long-term health risks
- Likely to have fewer side effects
- Better hormone regulation and performance
- Bioidentical hormones help your body balance its own hormones
How Do Bioidentical Hormones Work?
Receiving Natural Hormone Treatment
If it is determined that you need hormone replacement therapy, the doctor will identify the best treatment plan for you. Bioidentical hormone replacement for men can utilize any of the following: creams, gels, capsules, or hormone injections depending on the person’s specific case.
Your lab results will help us to determine the precise hormone replacement dosage and the best replacement therapy for your situation.
During hormone replacement therapy, you will be monitored with a follow-up appointment and tests to ensure that the right levels are being maintained and that your body is responding well to therapy. During this time you can discuss with your clinician how you’ve been feeling and the doctor will use your feedback to regulate your dosage.
You can also discuss any other health issues you have concerns about since we are a full-service natural health clinic offering a wide range of services.
Your HRT treatment may include:
- Hormone replacement therapy
- Nutritional supplementation to correct any deficiencies
- Diet recommendations
- Suggestions for managing stress
- Recommendations for addressing any other contributing factors.
Contact Us for Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy
If you’re tired of dealing with the fatigue, low sex drive, impotence, and other symptoms of imbalanced hormones, now is the time to get natural, effective help.
Contact Tampa Bay’s best HRT doctors by calling 727-466-6789 or submitting an online patient inquiry.
Learn More About Hormone Replacement Therapy
Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance in Men
The most common hormone imbalance in men happens when testosterone levels decline with age, and the male body becomes estrogen dominant. This can happen as men age, as well as due to stress, poor nutrition, excess weight, diabetes2, environmental toxins, and other factors.
Symptoms of hormone imbalance may include:
- Urinary problems
- Low sex drive
- Impotence
- Infertility
- Enlarged prostate
- Brain fog
- Fatigue
- Diminished athletic performance
- Extended recovery time from exercise
- Rapid weight gain
- Sugar and carbohydrates cravings
- Depression and anxiety3
- Mood swings
- Slow metabolism
- Difficulty sleeping
- Increased risk of stroke
- Diabetes
- Osteoporosis
- Thyroid dysfunction
Causes of Hormone Imbalances in Men
As mentioned earlier, our clinic takes a scientific, natural approach to HRT, combining an exam and consultation to learn about your symptoms with saliva, urine, and blood tests. We may also conduct other testing such as nutritional testing, allergy testing, and heavy metal toxicity testing.
Many factors affect our body’s production of hormones including what types of foods we eat and how they are grown and raised, food allergies, environmental factors such as toxins and heavy metals, stress, diabetes, and other health issues. That’s why we look at the body as a whole when we address hormonal imbalances.
Incidentally, the most common type of bioidentical hormone replacement for men is testosterone replacement therapy or TRT.
Conventional Medicine’s HRT Options
There are many different options for restoring hormone levels such as creams, pills, pellets, injections, and other concoctions.
You have to be alert to the fact that many of these contain synthetic hormones, chemicals, and other chemical additives which when ingested over the long-term, may do more harm than good. So it’s important to explore all your options first.
Why You Should See a Natural Health Doctor
The type of doctor you see matters and will determine the type of treatment options available to you. If you see a traditional doctor, you are likely to receive synthetic hormones, whereas if you see a natural health doctor, you will have options for a more natural, plant-based solution that is highly effective and potentially safer. And you can avoid adding into the body additional synthetic chemicals.
Cost of Natural HRT for Men
The cost of Natural HRT replacement for men varies based on your particular condition and underlying circumstances. For that reason, it’s difficult to answer that question in a general way. Despite what you might read, there is really not a one-size-fits-all solution.
We perform a thorough health exam and consultation, along with a saliva hormone test, a 24-hour urine lab test, and blood tests. The results of these tests determine your course of treatment and the needed hormones you will be supplementing with.
We often run hormone replacement specials, which includes a comprehensive package of everything you’ll need, so contact our office to check the latest pricing and see if there are any specials running.
HRT is Not a Do-It-Yourself Job
HRT should not be approached in a haphazard way. Hormones act powerfully in the body and maintaining high levels can also expose you to health risks. Hormone levels need to be regulated at a safe level in the body and this should be done under the guidance of a healthcare practitioner who can test your levels to ensure you’re not overdoing it or taking an insufficient amount. A natural health practitioner can also ensure that you’re using safer and more natural hormone compounds in your body to avoid side effects and unnecessary toxins.
Contact Us for Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy
If you’re tired of dealing with the fatigue, low sex drive, impotence, and other symptoms of imbalanced hormones, now is the time to get natural, effective help.Â
Contact Tampa Bay’s best HRT doctors by calling 727-466-6789 or submitting an online patient inquiry.
- National Institutes of Health (NIH), Understanding How Testosterone Affects Men, NIH Research Matters, September 2014.
- US National Library of Medicine, National Institute of Health, Reviews in Urology, Relationship Between Testosterone and Erectile Dysfunction, Spring 2000.
- McBride JA, Carson CC 3rd, Coward RM. Testosterone deficiency in the aging male. Ther Adv Urol. 2016;8(1):47-60. doi:10.1177/1756287215612961