Why Do Arteries Get Clogged?
Your arteries are subject to wear and tear and injury, like any other part of your body. High blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, and inflammatory...
High Blood Pressure / Hypertension
Abnormally high blood pressure is known as hypertension and should be properly treated to avoid developing more serious complications such ...
Stage 4 Alternative Cancer Treatment
Anyone facing a stage 4 cancer diagnosis knows the fear and uncertainty that it brings.
We see many patients at our clinic at this sta...
Macular Degeneration Treatment
Macular Degeneration is the leading cause of vision loss, affecting more than 10 million Americans – more than cataracts and glaucoma combined!...
We treat cancer with
alternative, conventional,
& naturopathic methods.
Our powerful approach to cancer treatment is life-changing.
Alternative Cancer Treatment
We ...
What is Autoimmune Disease?
A properly functioning immune system distinguishes between self (body’s own cells) and non-self (foreign invaders). In autoimmune diseases, the im...
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Treatment
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a condition recognized by the CDC, characterized by extreme tiredness or fatigue that doesn’t improve wit...
The adrenal glands help the body deal with any kind of stress – from emotional stress, to financial problems, to physical threats and relationship problems.
They also play ...
Heal Your Gut Naturally
Gut health issues are often a key factor in causing many other health conditions. This is why they always check for gut issues and heal them as needed...
When people think of hormones, they often link them to the female cycle. A popular view is that hormones get switched on in early teenage years, get turned off at menopause an...
We're different because we identify & treat the underlying cause of your health condition.
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