Kaqun Water – Harnessing the Healing Energy of Oxygen
Oxygen is essential to life. Without it, human life ends in approximately six minutes. When oxygen deficiency is present, chronic illness occurs and it is a 21st century fact of life that most of us are “inside dwellers,” moving from the home to the car to the workplace and back. For this reason, we are typically not getting anywhere near the required levels of oxygen needed for optimum health, energy, good immune system function and longevity.
What is Kaqun?
Most people think of oxygen as a gas, but it also exists as a liquid, one of the physical forms of elemental oxygen. Kaqun utilizes this liquid form of oxygen and concentrates it into groups called “clusters”. These clusters possess a highly charged species of oxygen that has a permeability which exceeds any other method.
Until now, most people have believed that delivery of oxygen has to be via the lungs, but by drinking Kaqun water, the oxygen can penetrate the mucous membranes of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract, and then penetrate the tissues. For this reason, Kaqun water has been shown to reduce mental and physical tiredness, since it replenishes oxygen to the cellular environment within a short period of time.
About Kaqun Water
Kaqun water has undergone 10+ years of clinical and laboratory research carried out on both healthy volunteers and those with health challenges. The oxygen in Kaqun water comes from the water itself and not from an outside source and there are no chemicals or toxic materials used in the production.
Kaqun water is not typical mineral water. In fact, it possesses low mineral concentration. The hyper-oxygenation process of Kaqun means that regular consumption helps to detoxify, refresh, energize, as well as increase performance. It alkalizes and enhances the oxygen transporting capacity of the blood. Kaqun also has been shown to reduce inflammation, reduce allergic symptoms and positively affect the immune system.
Benefits of Kaqun Water
Everyone can benefit from increased oxygen intake and regular consumption of Kaqun water allows for cellular regeneration and repair to take place. This in turn:
- Strengthens the immune system
- Enhances cell regeneration
- Reduces hypoxia (deprivation of oxygen supply)
- Promotes healing
- Positively influences metabolism on a cellular level
Kaqun water is non-carbonated and has low mineral content. It does not contain preservatives, flavorings or other additives and it has a PH value of 7.6 -8.0.
Recommended amount to be consumed (daily)
- To preserve health: 0.5 liter
- In case of chronic illnesses: 0.75–1 liter
- In case of excessive mental burden: 1 liter
- In case of a weak immune system: 1–1.5 liter
- For sportsmen: 1.5–2 liter
- For children, pregnant and nursing mothers: 0.2–0.5 liter
To order Kaqun water, call Shae at LifeWorks on (727) 466-6789.