Thyroid Disease Treatment

Thyroid Issues

Man suffering from thyroid condition that we treat naturally at lifeworks

On a global scale, a staggering 200 million people have problems with their thyroid glands, with over 50 percent remaining undiagnosed. In the US alone, the number of people with thyroid symptoms is running close to epidemic levels and equally as worrying is the number of un-diagnosed or mis-diagnosed cases.

The two most common forms of thyroid disease are Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism and as their names suggest, they are at opposite end of the scale.

When it functions as it should, the thyroid will produce T3 and T4 at a 20% – 80% ratio. An under-production of these hormones will slow down the body’s metabolism, causing Hypothyroidism. Common Hypothyroidism symptoms of this condition are weight-gain despite eating sensibly, feeling cold, fatigue, depression and possibly increased blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Hyperthyroidism occurs when an excess of T3 and T4 speeds up the body’s metabolism and, if the mild condition is left untreated it can lead to complications such as severe weight-loss despite a healthy appetite, nervousness, staring eyes, accelerated heart rate and insomnia.  (continues below the video)

Watch the video below to see Dr. Minkoff discuss the Thyroid.

Thyroid testing

How we treat Thyroid Issues at LifeWorks

The thyroid affects all the other hormones in the body and its proper regulation is essential to good hormonal balance and health.  With the disturbing increase in thyroid disease, we suggest that an annual screening of thyroid function be done. This would include blood tests that check on thyroid hormone levels and body iodine levels.

When a patient is suspected to have a thyroid disorder a comprehensive thyroid profile is ordered, in the form of a blood test. The test results will give precise measurements of Free T3 and T4 and their ratios to each other. If the results indicate that for example, the patient’s T3 level is too low then the patient will be checked for deficiencies in essential nutrients which are required for hormone production. Many times this will correct the thyroid without the need for prescription hormones.

We have helped many Tampa Bay residents with their thyroid issues and we can help you, too.

For more information please call our Clearwater clinic at 727 466 6789.

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