Does this describe how you mostly feel?
- Too moody
- too tired
- too edgy
- too foggy
- too anxious
- too fat
- too stopped up
- too little libido?
It’s not a mystery. It’s not a mental disorder. It’s your hormones.
Hormone Balancing Can Help
As a woman goes through changes in her reproductive cycle, fluctuations in her hormone levels will occur. The two main female hormones, estrogen and progesterone exist in a delicate balance and when that balance is disturbed, you can experience a range of symptoms and health issues at almost any age.
The amount of these hormones that the body produces from month to month can vary, depending on factors such as stress, nutrition, exercise, and most importantly – ovulation or the lack of ovulation which accompanies the onset of perimenopause. If you are in your late 30’s and 40’s you may be in perimenopause which can cause you to produce estrogen, but less progesterone. This is known as estrogen dominance, and it disturbs the balance with progesterone.
If you are older, you are likely to be in menopause and may have further hormonal imbalances. Hormone imbalance results in a number of symptoms, among the best known are the ‘menopause symptoms’ such as hot flashes, mood swings, weight gain and low libido.
How can I test my hormone levels?
We can show you exactly how to do that. At LifeWorks Wellness Center we suggest that female patients who are experiencing symptoms take a Flexitest, where they harvest their saliva throughout the day. The results of this test show a complete picture of hormone levels – estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, cortisol and DHEA. Knowing exact hormone levels and ratios then allows us to customize your specific hormonal supplementation.
What are Bioidentical Hormones?
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT), also called natural hormone replacement therapy, is the supplemental use of Bioidentical hormones (estrogen, progesterone and/or testosterone) to replace and balance your own hormones.
Bioidentical hormones are exactly the same hormones, molecule per molecule that the body produces. They come from plant sources, but are still considered natural to the body because they are identical biologically to female hormones and so they help you to rebalance hormone levels in a safe and natural way.
How do I take Bioidentical Hormones?
If your hormones are found to be out of balance and you chose to supplement with BHRT, your program will include a prescription with individualized compounded doses of bioidentical hormones rather than the “one dose fits all” approach of conventional hormone replacement therapy. It will be tailored specifically to fit you. The prescription will be filled at a compounding pharmacy in the form of a light cream, which you will apply to your skin every morning – you will be recommended to rotate application sites – inner upper arms, inner thighs and buttocks.
What’s next?
At LifeWorks we can help you to identify exactly where you are in your ‘female passage’ through life.
While results may vary, many women find they get relief from their symptoms almost immediately and it is important to track progress and work closely with your LifeWorks practitioner. After 6-9 months, you should have your hormone levels checked once again, to make sure you are moving closer toward your ideal balance.
For the best results, it is recommended that a woman get a baseline hormone level test when she is younger and in peak health. This provides a benchmark and greatly assists in rapidly balancing a patient’s hormone levels later in life when symptoms start to occur.
Not all natural solutions for hormone imbalance involve Bioidentical hormones. LifeWorks practitioners are happy to discuss and recommend a number of natural supplements which will help to support the body and help you return to the way you “used to feel.”
At LifeWorks we have helped thousands of women re-balance their hormones, safely and naturally, and we can do the same for you. Call (727) 466-6789 today for an appointment.
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Helpful Resources for Women
- Women's Health Care - a page dedicated to treating issues for women.