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Avoid These Products if You Wish to Prevent Breast Cancer

Avoid these products to avoid breast cancer

Many are curious as to what they can do throughout their life to prevent the development of breast cancer (or any type of cancer).

The answer to that is simple: avoid exposure to environmental toxins.

Cancer is caused by genetic changes or damage to the DNA within the cell nucleus. When this occurs, this prompts unhealthy cells to undergo uncontrollable cell division, thus leading to the formulation of tumors anywhere within the body. The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences stated in a published document that recent studies have suggested that “environmental exposures such as certain chemicals, diet and social factors during the critical stages of (breast) development, may increase the risk of breast cancer later in life”¹. Throughout the years, it’s evident to see that the rise in breast cancer cases are congruent with the technological advancements in vehicles, machinery, manufacturing, farming and many others. Unfortunately, the more developments that are made, it seems to make it more difficult to avoid these toxins. For one thing, many are unaware where these toxins reside. While many may assume that it’s due to constant air pollution, these toxins linger in our very homes with the various products that we use on a daily basis.

At LifeWorks Wellness Center, we encourage our patients to implement a natural lifestyle which includes detoxification methods and dietary changes. Those who have a family history of breast cancer may wish to avoid these products if they wish to prevent the disease from forming in their own body.

Cleaning Supplies

There are many cleaning products that are heavily concentrated with strong chemicals. This is done intentionally to aid individuals in killing bacteria within their homes and maintain a fresh, well-kept house. Unfortunately, these chemicals could also be imposing a lot of harm on one’s body and can lead to the development of breast cancer. Some toxins that can be found in cleaning supplies include phthalates (found in air fresheners, dish soap, and toilet paper), perchloroethylene (found in spot removers, dry cleaning solutions, and carpet cleaners), ammonia (found in bathroom and glass cleaners), and sodium hydroxide (found in stovetop and drain cleaners). This might seem slightly distressing as it is essential to sustain a clean home to ensure a healthy lifestyle. Luckily, there are more natural ingredients to clean with such as white vinegar, baking soda and lemon.


Have you ever used shampoo, hairspray, makeup, facial cleansers, or deodorant? These are essential items to help us maintain good hygiene, however it may be surprising to know that these items are made with chemicals that can alter DNA and lead to cancer when we’re older. A recent 2021 article published by WebMD stated that researchers found high levels of fluorine in most waterproof mascara, liquid lipstick and foundations². Additionally, another article published by EWG; an American activist group that specializes in agricultural subsidies, water pollutants and toxic chemicals, stated that, “595 cosmetic manufacturers have reported using 88 chemicals, in more than 73,000 products, that have been linked to cancer, birth defects or reproductive harm”³. Some chemicals that were found in these products were mercury, formaldehyde, polyfluoroalkyl and dibutyl. Those who are still interested in using cosmetics on their skin or hair should consider organically made products to protect themselves from high breast cancer risks.


Plastic is a substance that can be found anywhere and is nearly impossible to avoid. From toys, plastic water bottles, plastic containers and many more. Most of the time, people are willing to purchase these items due to their low price compared to products made from glass or metal. However, plastic contains a lot of toxic chemicals such as phthalates, Bishenol-A (BPA), and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and all of these chemicals eventually find their way into our body and compromise our hormonal balance and cell nucleus DNA. Out of all of these chemicals, explained that BPA is one of the main chemicals that increase breast cancer risks4. This is because BPA is a synthetic estrogen that can disrupt hormones and cause a hormonal imbalance. In addition, chemicals that mimic estrogen can cause the hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer cells (HER2) to develop overtime. Avoiding plastic products may seem slightly difficult, however there are an abundance of other options to choose from such as stainless steel bottles and glass or ceramic containers.

Have You Been Exposed?

Those who use these products on a daily basis shouldn’t jump to conclusions about their breast cancer risks yet. After all, the disease requires consistent exposure along with other factors, however it’s understandable to feel apprehensive. Thankfully, LifeWorks offers detoxification treatments to those who suffer from environmental toxicity. The purpose of these treatments is to decrease inflammation, infections, and boost the immune system.

Have You Been Diagnosed?

For those who have been diagnosed with breast cancer or have been fighting the disease for years, LifeWorks offers alternative and noninvasive treatment methods to combat the malignant cells and ensure the immune system remains strong. These treatments include insulin-potentiation therapy (IPT), ozone therapies, intravenous therapies, peptides, supplementation and the ketogenic diet.

If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with breast cancer or are experiencing symptoms of environmental toxicity, please call to schedule an appointment with a LifeWorks practitioner/cancer specialist at 727-466-6789.

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