Our doctors who treat chronic Epstein Barr Virus (the best doctors who offer treatment for Epstein Barr in Tampa) know that most people in the U.S. become infected with the Epstein-Barr virus early in their lives, but they are not aware of it and don’t seek treatment for ebv. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is also known as human herpes virus 4 and it is one of the most common of human viruses. By age 35, EBV antibodies are present in most people, which indicates previous infection. If the virus is dormant there can be little, or no, symptoms.
Young children develop very mild symptoms when they contract the Epstein-Barr virus, but in teens and young adults about a quarter of those infected can develop mononucleosis, which leads to a sore throat, fever and swollen lymph nodes.
Mainly spread through saliva, the symptoms of EBV can resemble those of chronic fatigue syndrome since fatigue can be one of the main symptoms.
What Causes Epstein Barr?
Epstein-Barr virus is transmitted by close contact with another person who is infected. Since EBV is mainly spread through saliva, it can be transmitted by kissing, sharing water bottles or glasses or by sharing personal items such as toothbrushes.
Once a person has been infected they will continue to carry the virus for the rest of their lives and can pass it on to another person at any time, even after their symptoms have subsided. The good news is you can find efficient treatment for EBV at our natural clinic.
Contact LifeWorks
Friday: 9:00am – 4pm
Clearwater, FL 33756
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Epstein Barr Treatment Testimonials
Epstein Barr Virus Testimonial
Video: Lyme & Epstein Barr Testimonial
Sally’s Amazing Recovery from Exhaustion & Fatigue*
Craig’s Life Changing Adrenal Fatigue Success Story*
Lack of Energy – Resolved!*
What are the Symptoms of Epstein-Barr Virus?
The symptoms of Epstein-Barr virus may take a few weeks to appear, if they appear at all. Many people assume they have a cold or the flu’ since the symptoms are similar. These may include:
- fatigue
- fever
- inflamed throat
- swollen lymph nodes in the neck
- enlarged spleen
- swollen liver
- rash
If the virus is chronic, the symptoms may include fatigue and aches.
Very occasionally, EBV can result in more serious symptoms such as dizziness, high fever, abdominal pain, lethargy and respiratory problems.
Come to our clinic and receive the best possible treatment for Epstein Barr in Tampa Bay.
How is Epstein-Barr Diagnosed
Anti-bodies to EBV can be detected on a blood test. We also do more detailed testing to differentiate between past exposure and an active virus.
We also perform a functional evaluation to detect an active virus. This test allows the practitioner to monitor and adjust your treatment plan for EBV.
If you’re looking for the best doctors who treat chronic Epstein Barr virus, look no further. We have over two decades of experience treating Epstein-barr and are confident we can help you, just like we’ve helped so many other patients.
Contact LifeWorks
Friday: 8:45am – 4pm
Clearwater, FL 33756
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Treatment for Epstein Barr in Tampa Bay Area
If you test positive for Epstein Barr, your practitioner will prescribe a powerful all-natural, Epstein-Barr treatment plan.
Part of the treatment plan for Epstein Barr and/or chronic fatigue will involve addressing the underlying factors that compromised the immune system in the first place and allowed the virus to become active.
Our natural treatment plan for Epstein-Barr will also reduce and clear the existing viral load.
If you’re looking for natural treatment for Epstein Barr in Tampa Bay, come to LifeWorks Wellness Center, located in Clearwater, FL.
Contact Us for More Info
We have helped many patients from all over the world with Epstein-Barr and we can likely help you too.
To learn more about our natural treatment for Epstein Barr in Tampa contact our New Patient Coordinator at (727) 466-6789 or simply submit an online web inquiry.