Joint Pain, Dr. David Minkoff’s Health Blog

Where does your chronic pain come from?- OHR #485

Chronic paid, let's discuss the causes and treatments.

This week I saw a 55-year-old patient from the northeastern U.S. who was suffering from increased muscular weakness, fatigue, fibromyalgia, depression, anxiety, irregular heartbeat and POTS (syncope with standing), brain fog and GI distress – bloating, cramps and intermittent constipation and diarrhea.

She had been to the mecca of medical institutions in Baltimore, MD. for her care. There, she had seen a whole cadre of doctors (twelve in all), including infectious disease, neurology, rheumatology, internal medicine, cardiology, and psychiatry and after an extensive work up no reason for her condition was found.

She was prescribed: Adderall (an addictive and dangerous amphetamine) for energy, Prozac for depression, Celebrex for pain and inflammation, Nexium for GI distress, Atenolol for her heart, Hydrocodone for pain, Lipitor for borderline elevated cholesterol, and Ativan (a highly addictive benzodiazepine) for anxiety and Ambien for sleep. Eight drugs “to help you cope with your symptoms” was what she was told by the team at the Mecca.

In her disappointment at these solutions and after using all the meds for 6 months with no improvement, she began to look for other solutions from the traditional approach. She went to Google and found us. She watched many videos from our website in trying to understand what we do and why we do it and decided it made sense to come for a visit.

In one visit here is what I found:

  1. Chronic Lyme disease with 6 different coinfections. The Lyme bacteria was actually seen in her blood with biofilms and inflammatory proteins galore. This proves the diagnosis.
  2. Chronic Epstein Barr Infection reactivation.
  3. Pathological bacteria in her small intestine (SIBO).
  4. A fluke parasite in her intestine.
  5. A misalignment of her C1/C2 upper cervical vertebrae (a common cause of POTS).
  6. Three abscessed root canal treated teeth.
  7. Many microclots in her blood as a possible result of the shot and booster.

What we do is not voodoo medicine. It is very precise diagnostic medicine. These preliminary findings are very accurate and are the cause of her symptoms.

None of the meds that she was prescribed would ever solve these problems, in fact they would all add to the problem and were adding to the problem.

In a case like this, modern medicine has lost its way.

At LifeWorks, patients like her are a daily occurrence: misdiagnosed and mistreated.

This patient, in our hands has an 85% chance of getting well if she does the program.

After seeing me, she knew that. She expressed profound relief with tears of gratitude. “Finally, somebody has actually found out what’s wrong with me,” was her sobbing statement. “I knew what I was being told was wrong, but no one listened to me and convinced me that they were the experts, and they knew best. I am so grateful that you are here and that I came to you. I know that you can help me get my life back.

She is correct.

She started our treatment regimen.

She will get well.

One of the biggest challenges will be getting her weaned off all the pharmaceuticals that she didn’t need in the first place.

That will take many months.

The other problems will take 3-4 months.

If you want wellness, and you are being offered pharma, look to someone who has other solutions.

We are that.

If you are suffering, call us now at (727) 466-6789.

We can help and will help you.

Have a great week.

Dr. David I Minkoff, MD

Patient Testimonial

Dear Karima,

I want to express my sincerest thanks for all the help regarding my treatment at LifeWorks. I was impressed with your professional and profound knowledge of the treatments available for healing at LifeWorks.

Thanks to your recommendation of getting prolozone therapy, I’ve been able to see the difference in my joints and articulations.

I travel from New York and Puerto Rico since 2016 to continue with the treatments.

Blessings to you. Best wishes.


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