Hi it’s Dr Minkoff from LifeWorks Wellness Center.
I want to talk to you about environmental toxins, major big deal.
A hundred years ago there was very little toxins added to the environment.
You know the food you grew was normal food.
You ate locally, it wasn’t chemicalized, we didn’t have plastics everywhere, we didn’t have chemicals and pesticides everywhere and now they are.
If you go to the deepest crevice at the bottom bottom of the Pacific Ocean, in the crevices in the bottom of the ocean and you grab a bacteria out of that place, you will find chemicals and plastics that that bacteria has eaten from the toxic ocean.
I don’t know if you’ve seen this this great plastic island that’s in the Pacific Ocean it’s between San Francisco and Hawaii.
It’s literally an island, it’s miles and miles and miles of plastic bottles that have sort of come together as a like a wasteland, like a toxic Wasteland and all those things are they discharge into our water supply and into our oceans and into our air.
You know there’s there’s Chemtrails, there’s spraying chemicals all over, they’re trying to control the weather, these things are all over the place and we there’s just nowhere to go, there’s just nowhere to go.
So we do the best we can and one of the things that we do when someone comes in here is I want to do an analysis to see at what level are the environmental toxins in their body.
So there’s a laboratory that tests 24 different environmental toxins, they’re the most common ones gasoline additives, chemicals, pesticides, plastics, things like this.
And this is just a random urine, they wake up in the morning, they pee in a cup, we get the urine specimen, we send it to the laboratory and they come back with okay glyphosate.
So glyphosate is Roundup.
The tragedy of the last 25 years is glyphosate.
This probably underlies the cancer epidemic, the autism epidemic, uh the mental deterioration epidemic.
So glyphosate was licensed as an antibiotic.
It is a weed killer.
And this weed killer is sprayed on virtually all non-organic crops and it’s in the food supply and all of the processed foods virtually have detectable levels of glyphosate.
I have tested probably 5 000 people over the last 10 years for levels of glyphosate in their body and 100 percent of every person that we have tested has glyphosate in their urine.
There’s nobody that doesn’t have any.
Some people have really high amounts.
If you live on a golf course you’ve got high amounts.
If you drink well water you’re going to have high amounts, unless you’re really filtering your well water and or your regular water, City water and your shower water you’re getting exposed.
If you’re eating non-organic grain products, bean products, sugar beet products your body’s full of glyphosate.
If your meats aren’t grass-fed organic you are full of glyphosate because these cows are eating corn and soybeans that are full of glyphosate and their meat gets saturated with glyphosate and then we eat their meat and we get in our body.
A glyphosate blocks our minerals, it blocks vitamin D activation by the sun, it poisons our gut, it causes leaky gut it’s terrible.
And most people who are careful like eat organic, filter your water, we have some things that bind glyphosate and get rid of it, you can get the levels lower in your body and survive better.
So that’s just one of them.
Gasoline additives they’re everywhere because there’s a lot of gasoline fumes.
Lead, 100 percent of people that we test have high lead levels in their body and lead is a neurotoxin, leads to dementia, it’s a kidney toxin, leads to high blood pressure and and leads everywhere.
So really important is health is getting out the stuff that’s in you to a level that’s below where it’s causing you poisoning.
So nobody’s ever going to be clean in this society but we have methods to like bind this stuff, help you get it out, improve your kidney and your lymph and your liver function so this stuff can come out of you and then what you see is that your cells then start to come back on, they start to work better, your energy comes better because these mitochondrial are poisoned with the same stuff and environmental toxins are a problem.
So it’s we address it and it’s and it’s something that lifestyle wise a person has to actually make some choices like like you got to watch this stuff.
It doesn’t mean that you have to be perfect but most of the time you have to be pretty close to as good as you can get.
So if you do that you can get better.
So one of our major thrusts is check this out, what load does a person have.
Coach them on how they should eat, what they should do, how to get this stuff out of their system and um and then it bears fruit because they start to feel better.
So be wary of environmental toxins.
Careful what you put in your mouth, careful what you put on your skin, careful what you put in your hair because these things all get into the body and there’s resources to look at.
The environmental working group ewg.org is a great resource for personal care products, home products like cleaning products and shampoos and that sort of stuff, where they’ve tested this stuff and they could say like this stuff looks pretty good but don’t do this stuff, okay.
So that’s environmental toxins, big issue, be careful with it and learn about it and we’ll teach you about it and we’ll show you what you got and then we can help clean you out.
Hope this helps.