Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy – Hyper means elevated and baric means pressure. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) has been available for over a hundred years and was initially used by divers. If divers come up too fast, they could get The Bends. This is when nitrogen bubbles form in the blood which can be very dangerous. When divers were put in a HBOT chamber the nitrogen bubbles would go back into solution and the divers could be brought back to normal air pressure slowly. The HBOT was then used in the medical field to increase oxygen levels in the blood which is extremely beneficial in treating many health conditions.
HBOT is a safe and effective therapy that delivers pure oxygen to the patient in a pressurized chamber, allowing the lungs to take in very high levels of pure oxygen.
In this video you will learn:
- What is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy?
- Benefits of HBOT
- Conditions treated by HBOT
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