Joint Pain

4 Secrets to Healing Joint Pain That Doctors Won’t Tell You

Four secrets to healing joint pain that doctors won’t tell you

Dealing with joint pain can be an uncomfortable experience. The pain can cause sufferers to have restless nights, feel immobile, fatigued, and in some circumstances, limp.

Joint pain is essentially an inflammation within the muscles, tendons or cartilage caused from bacteria, swelling, or a previous injury.

It is extremely common all over the United States, and it is even estimated that people spend a total of over $81 billion dollars to heal their joint pain every year.

Sadly, with all of that money being spent on a possible cure, getting to that point seems nearly impossible for most.

However, at LifeWorks Wellness Center, we have successfully treated about 85% of patients with different types of joint pain.

Want to know the secret? Pay close attention.

There are a lot of different treatment options that regular medical doctors are not telling you.

Prolozone Therapy for Healing Joint Pain

The term “prolo” is short for proliferate, which means to grow or regenerate something.

Ozone gas is an oxygen made up of three atoms that is often used to treat bacterial diseases and infections within the body.

With the combination of both, they can heal the pain and decrease the inflammation of all types of joint pain.

To administer it, a solution of B vitamins, traumeel (a homeopathic) and procaine (a local anesthetic) are combined together and injected into all inflamed joint areas, followed by ozone gas.

The treatment causes a cell growth and will trigger a healing response from the ligaments, muscles and cartilage.

Patients will notice the pain slowly lessen and the swelling decrease after about four to six procedures.

Eventually, ligaments and tendons will regenerate and strengthen to a point where the individual will feel completely healed from their joint pain.

Supplements that Help Joint Pain

Most doctors and medical practitioners will prescribe strong pain medications like opioids to relieve people suffering with joint pain.

Unfortunately, these drugs have severe side effects such as addiction with little to no cure of the condition.

At LifeWorks, we recommend natural supplements to encourage muscle growth and to help develop stronger ligaments, cartilage and tendons.

Some natural supplements that have proven to help people with all types of joint pain are:

  • Glucosamine – Natural glucosamine levels drop as people age. Glucosamine as a supplement helps to support cartilage growth and contains anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Chondroitin – This is often a supplement used along with glucosamine, especially for osteoarthritis. The supplement helps to relieve pain and increases joint mobility.
  • PerfectAmino – LifeWorks recommends PerfectAmino because it contains the necessary amino acids that are not created by the body itself. When the body lacks certain essential amino acids, it lacks its ability to have a strong immune system or, in this case, build stronger muscles.
  • Relief – Another supplement highly recommended by LifeWorks, Relief contains high potency extracts from nature’s most powerful anti-inflammatory products such as curcumin, turmeric, and ginger.
  • Green Tea – Research shows that green tea contains compounds of antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Omega 3 Fatty Acids – These supplements can be found in fish oils and produce chemicals that are anti-inflammatory and build a stronger immune system.
  • CoQ10 (Coenzyme Q10) – This is a supplement that is produced naturally within the body and is also supplied in various foods that we eat. As a supplement, it can act as an antioxidant and protects cells from damage.

The Paleo Diet can Relieve Joint Pain

The purpose of the Paleo Diet is to extract all toxins, pesticides and chemicals that we consume from foods and our environment.

At the same time, many anti-inflammatory foods are automatically contained within it as well.

Because all foods listed in the Paleo are organic, grass fed and completely natural, they are completely safe for those who suffer from joint pain and will not irritate any inflamed areas in the body.

LifeWorks Wellness Center encourages many of its patients to start on the Paleo diet to live a healthier quality of life and to feel completely toxic free.

A body without processed toxins within it can also help relieve the pain in all joints.

Exercise to Help Healing Joint Pain

Contrary to what many believe, exercise is actually a form of treatment to those with joint pain.

It may not heal the pain like other treatments, however exercise helps the body maintain strong muscles and tendons.

It’s understandable that some who suffer with chronic joint conditions may feel hesitant to exercise, however this should not discourage anyone.

There are plenty of low impact exercises that can help you stay in shape, build strength and retain joint mobility.

Some exercises to consider is biking, swimming, walking, stretching, and core exercises.

We recommend speaking to your physician before starting any exercise regime.

At LifeWorks Wellness Center, we try to encourage more natural pathways to healing joint pain, and we feel that these treatments can help individuals relieve themselves from chronic pain.

If you are suffering from chronic joint pain and are interested in trying a more natural approach to healing, please call to schedule an appointment at 727-466-6789.

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