Peptide Therapies, Breast Cancer, Learn All About Cancer

Peptides For Breast Cancer Treatment

Amino acids - peptides contain amino acids that produce essential proteins within the body

LifeWorks Wellness Center has successfully treated breast cancer patients since 1997 using natural remedies and noninvasive methods. Additionally, our treatments are less damaging to the body’s immune system compared to other conventional practices. Every cancer treatment program differs from patient-to-patient, however most breast cancer patients are ordered a series of insulin-potentiation treatments (IPT), intravenous therapies, ozone therapies, dietary changes, supplement regimens and/or peptides.

Peptides contain amino acids that produce essential proteins within the body. Some are naturally produced within the system, however others are not, making them essential. Sometimes, they’re used as ingredients in medications for various conditions such as autoimmune disorders or cardiovascular diseases. Peptides that are taken orally, via nasal spray, or subcutaneously are prepared in a lab and meant to mimic amino acids that are usually present in the body. With that being said, there are various peptides with different significant purposes. Some peptides contain anti-aging properties and are meant to assist people in strengthening growth, reducing weight loss and inflammation. Some peptides are useful for neurological disorders to help those with brain fog, memory issues or disorders. Finally, some peptides are created specifically for cancer patients going through their treatment process.

Am I Eligible for Cancer Peptides?

Since every breast cancer patient is different, these peptides may not be recommended for everybody. As a matter of fact, some patients may be recommended either one of them or both of them depending on their breast cancer case. The main purpose of peptides for cancer treatment is to augment the other cancer treatments. Therefore, in order to truly know whether or not these peptides are necessary for one’s case is to consult a LifeWorks cancer specialist.

Consult A LifeWorks Cancer Specialist

Prior to receiving a cancer treatment program, breast cancer patients must consult a LifeWorks practitioner. If they have CT Scans, PET Scans, and/or Thermography results from the last six months that show the tumor location, its stage and size, and its type, then they should bring them to the initial appointment. This information will help them decide if one or both peptides should be added to the cancer treatment program. Additionally, patients should expect to undergo additional bloodwork and other lab testing before starting their program.

LifeWorks Wellness Center is known as one of Florida’s top holistic care facilities and is located in the heart of Clearwater. If you or a loved one have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer and are interested in seeking alternative cancer treatment or learning more about peptides, please call to schedule an appointment with a LifeWorks cancer specialist at 727-466-6789.

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