In this video you will see the remarkable transformation Malia went through with VSEL Therapy.
When she first came to LifeWorks, she was in a wheelchair and experiencing severe brain fog which was affecting her daily life, including her education.
Malia started VSEL therapy and has completed three treatments.
She left LifeWorks walking and is now doing amazing in school, having received an Excellence Award for doing so well in Mathematics. “I feel ten times better, a million times better, we’ll put it that way because before we came here I felt like I was on my deathbed. It was just eating me away from the inside out.”
Thank you Malia and Sonya for sharing your story and experience at LifeWorks Wellness Center.
VSEL Therapy Transformation

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My name is Malia Crump and I am 17 years old. I came to Dr. Minkoff’s in a wheelchair and I’ve been treated the last year and a half.
The VSEL treatment was one of the treatments that we tried and turned into a recurring thing that we decided to do again and again because we noticed a lot of progress with it.
I struggle with school, concentrating trying to learn the things, and this has really, really helped bring those things back.
I now, I actually just received an Excellence award from my math teacher due to me progressing so much in my schoolwork.
My moods, my moods have definitely been a lot better. It helps a lot with that.
But the biggest thing out of all of it was the brain, it really helped with everything on that end.
So that’s my perspective on it.
Mom: I am Sonya Cadman I am Malia’s mother we came here a year and a half ago.
She was a mess and after the first VSEL treatment that we had done I noticed a big change in a lot of things. Her memory, her being able to speak to people was a big, big jump for her, she always struggled with school work, she couldn’t remember things to say or to do, and math was a very hard subject. And she gets very frustrated because she knew everything prior to getting sick and then when we did the first VSEL it got a little better.
Then we did a second one.
And this year she’s a senior in high school and she has come so far!
She was struggling before like I said and now she is a what, B student.
She’s so much better and that it just it’s amazing.
Because she would get so mad and couldn’t focus enough to get what she wanted out and this year she just takes her minute and [I] explain it to her and she’s like “oh, I know how to do this”.
So it’s it’s very very good feeling as a parent.
It’s not like it’s it’s not fast process no it takes time I mean me at first I didn’t really think that a lot of things were working until
Mom: I saw it though.
I got away and I went back home and then it was really like, wow!

Big things really started just clicking left and right.
I mean, I still have days where it’s a little more foggier than others but you just gotta work with that and take it day by day from there, honestly.
The teachers have noticed, teachers have noticed a big jump.
So like I said this is our third VSEL treatment, but if it works then do it.
Interviewer: And then, if I may ask, you said you came in in a wheelchair, how long until you were able to not need it?
I spent four and a half months here so I came at the beginning of December for two weeks, then I went home for two weeks for Christmas, and then I spent from the beginning of January until April here.
Let’s say within, from January to March, three months – that right there was when it all started kind of coming together.
So you’re working with Minkoff and then the chiropractor, in between both of them, it – everything kind of just started coming together.
I started using a walker and now when I walk around I have a little stick at home that I use and other than that I can just hang on to people, that way I know that I’m stable, I know that I’m gonna be okay, and I go from there
Like just today with the VSEL we worked on my lower spine to produce more, trying to repair everything around there, that way there’s more let’s say, energy going to legs, something like that.
You can work on a couple different things with the VSEL and I choose my brain, my heart, my spine, and my stomach/gut area.
Yeah, I feel ten times better, a million times better, we’ll put it that way. Because before we came here I felt like I was on my deathbed. It was just eating me away from the inside out.
Mom: It’s a good feeling. Because it was, it was bad when she when she started. But we’ve come a long way.
But we’re here.
Interviewer: So, definitely would recommend it?
Absolutely, by all means I would.
Mom: Absolutely, don’t get frustrated with the first one.
Don’t let the price scare you, it’s not cheap but it’s worth it.