Specialty Treatment Videos

Video: FLOWPresso® for Detoxification & Rejuvenation

Revitalize with flowpresso - effortlessly detoxify & rejuvenate

Discover the remarkable benefits of FLOWpresso therapy, a gentle and pleasurable mechanical treatment that stimulates lymphatic flow, detoxifies your body, and promotes overall well-being.

Join Dr. Minkoff from LifeWorks Wellness Center as he unveils this innovative therapy that leaves you feeling refreshed and revitalized.

Experience the power of natural detoxification.

Watch the FLOWPresso Video!

FLOWPresso Video Transcript

Hi, Dr Minkoff, LifeWorks Wellness Center, Clearwater, Florida.

I want to talk to you about a therapy that we just added to our lineup and it’s called FLOWpresso.

Now what is this?

It’s a mechanical device where you can… imagine you put a suit on your arms, legs, torso and it starts with the pressure wave.

It starts in your fingertips and in your toes and it milks all the lymph fluid out of your arms and legs into the central area where the body can then take the waste and get rid of it.

Now, if you’ve ever had a full body massage and if you imagine like four people working on you at once, it’s one of the most pleasant and pleasurable things we’ve got.

Like you lay on this thing and you get this wave that comes up and you feel this gentle compression on your arms and legs coming up and it milks all the toxic residues from your system into the central place, where your liver can get rid of it and your kidney can get rid of it and it detoxifies you.

And so most people that are coming into our clinic have a high level of toxic residues that are stuck in their tissues and their body’s unable to mobilize it and this is simply a mechanical system to do that, to like milk the stuff out so a couple times a week.

So in the meantime we’re doing therapies to like beef up the liver to detoxify, and the kidneys and the lungs and to get this stuff mobilized and moving because what happens is, is that you have cells that are full of toxins and they make the cell not function and some of the non-function is the the cell can’t get rid of it, so this can be assisted.

So we’re giving vitamins and minerals and herbs to detoxify but then if we add this mechanical element to it.

It really just moves the stuff and so, it’s simple, it’s pleasant, it really helps and even when people don’t need it they like to have it because it’s, it just feels good.

Okay, so that’s easy, it’s FLOWpresso.

I love the therapy and I think you will too.

Okay, hope this helps.