Celergen is a Swiss marine cell therapy supplement that has proven to be highly effective in the stimulation, rejuvenation and renewal of cells. This renewal and healing process is critical for helping keep the body’s tissues and organs in optimal health, Anti-Aging, and rejuvenation.
Celergen stimulates the body’s own healing and revitalizing powers and exerts a long-term effect. By repairing a replacing damaged and dead cells, Celergen helps us fight aging and maintain and extend youth, energy and vitality. Celergen binds marine cell proteins with Peptide E Collagen, which reinforces skin elasticity, and Hydro MN Peptide, which plays a critical role in the rejuvenation of cartilage.
Some of the benefits of Cellergen:
- Stimulates specific cells concerned with arthritis, chronic fatigue, obesity, asthma, degenerative brain disease, osteoporosis, sexual dysfunction, male impotence and other metabolic ailments
- Enhances stamina and energy level
- Revitalizes immune system and defense mechanisms
- Increases sexual satisfaction
- Reduces pre-menopausal syndrome and delays menopause
- Maximizes regeneration and hydration of skin
- Visibly increases the radiance and glow of skin
- Improves skin’s resilience, tone, texture and overall complexion
- Improves alertness
- Increases metabolic rate
- Improves blood circulation
- Boosts sexual drive and potency with endurance and vitality
* Results differ among individuals
Why Dr. David Minkoff recommends Celergen…
“I have rheumatoid arthritis in my spine. I was experiencing horrible symptoms in my upper and lower back, hips and shoulders. Now I get up each morning after a great night’s sleep, pain free!”*
“I see a glow radiating from my skin and the disappearance of my wrinkles. Celergen is indeed a fantastic product.”*
“Celergen provides me with a regular sleep pattern giving me 8 to 9 hours a night!”*
A.T.“My wounds have healed a lot faster and my skin texture has improved tremendously. Another very prominent change would be my hair color. My gray hair is turning darker.”*
“As a mild diabetic, I often felt tired in the afternoon. As Celergen helps lower my glycemic index, my blood sugar level is getting better and I am feeling more active and lively. Now I no longer need to take those afternoon naps.”*
“After taking Celergen for two months, the pain in my left hand has completely gone.”
M.L.“I now enjoy a powerful increase in energy and endurance.”*
A.C.“My skin texture has become smoother. I found my skin looking brighter and my pores are less visible.”*
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