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Breast Cancer – Alternative Treatment for Breast Cancer

Alternative treatments breast cancer

Alternative Breast Cancer Treatment

We treat breast cancer with
alternative, holistic &
conventional methods.

Our powerful approach to breast cancer treatment is life-changing.

Alternative Breast Cancer Treatment

We treat breast cancer with alternative, holistic & conventional methods.

Our powerful approach to breast cancer treatment is life-changing.

Alternative Breast Cancer Treatment

If you’re exploring alternative breast cancer treatment options, you’ve come to the right place.

For over 30 years, we’ve offered women new treatment options for breast cancer.

And while conventional treatment for breast cancer usually involves surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, we offer a gentler, less toxic approach.

Our clinic offers a combination of integrative and alternative breast cancer treatment options. This combination has been shown to be effective for a variety of cancers over three decades.

Our treatments are designed to

  • fight cancer
  • strengthen your immune system
  • change the underlying conditions of the body so it can muster its full healing potential.
  • We also work on the underlying reasons why your body may have become predisposed in the first place.

Patient’s Breast Cancer Discussion with Doctor

A patient describes finding a spot on her breast which turned out to be cancerous. After meeting with her oncologist, she came to LifeWorks Wellness Center to find out what the alternative cancer treatment options were, since she wanted to avoid surgery and radiation if possible.

Contact LifeWorks


Mon – Thurs: 9:00am – 5pm
Friday: 9:00am – 4pm
301 Turner Street
Clearwater, FL 33756
Lifeworks wellness center, llc, clinic, clearwater, fl

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Our Integrative Approach to Treating Breast Cancer

Image of appointment chart used at lifeworks

Step 1: Appointment
with Doctor at Clinic

  • Thorough Patient Intake & Evaluation
  • Patient Case History
  • Patient Review & Consultation
  • Assessment of Existing Cancer
  • Review of Existing Scans & Labs
Human body

Step 2: Identify
the Contributory Factors

  • Cancer Metabolic Profile
  • Undetected Pathogens
  • Immune System Deficiencies
  • Past / Present Toxic Exposures
  • Nutritional Deficiencies / Diet Lifestyle Factors
Two doctors checking patients' files.

Step 3: Develop
Cancer Treatment Plan

  • A Customized Cancer Protocol
  • Powerful Cancer Therapies
  • Immune Boosting Plan
  • A Detoxification Plan
  • A Nutritional / Diet Plan

Breast Cancer Treatment Testimonials

Integrative Oncology at LifeWorks

Overview of Our Approach

Dr. Minkoff treating a patient

1. Seeing the Doctor

When the doctor sees you, he will review your case history, review labs, scans, and discuss your situation. The doctor may request additional testing and will explain our approach to your particular situation and recommend a treatment program. Since your initial visit at LifeWorks is likely to be longer than other office visits you’ve had, you should plan to be at our offices a full half-day.

2. Treating The Breast Cancer

Don’t mistake our integrative breast cancer approach for being gentle with breast cancer. It’s not. It’s very aggressive with breast cancer but much gentler on your body. The program is tailor-made for you, to aggressively attack the breast cancer. The doctor may recommend a special very low-dose chemotherapy treatment option. This treatment does the maximum damage to breast cancer cells and the least amount of harm to the rest of your body.

Doctor answering a patient's questions about breast cancer
Elderly pacient receiveing pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (pemf) at lifeworks

3. Supporting the Body

While attacking breast cancer, we’ll use a mix of integrative therapies to support your entire body so it can effect maximum healing. These treatments & therapies are restorative and work together with the breast cancer treatment protocol to increase your body’s natural energy production so it can fight harder, enhance repair, and heal.

4. Building up the Immune System

We’ll get your immune system in tip-top shape too, so it can put up the maximum offense and a strong defense. By taking away the barriers to a properly functioning immune system, it can better identify and eliminate cancerous cells in the body.

Supercharge your immune system
Chezone combines three different intravenous regimens at lifeworks: chelation, major autohemotherapy (mah), and glutathione. The treatment is a type of ozone therapy designed to enhance the effects of all three iv’s and benefit the circulatory system while also detoxing the body and reducing the inflammation.

5. Enhancing Detoxification

It is very common in breast cancer patients for their detoxification organs to be compromised, which affects your immune system and contributes to cellular dysfunction and robs your body of its health, energy, and resources it needs to fight the cancer. We’ll fix this so that your detoxification pathways are running optimally.

6. Nourishing the Body

We’ll also design a diet to follow while on this regimen to starve the breast cancer cells of the fuel they use to survive and replicate. Cancerous cells have been shown to have a dysfunctional cellular metabolism and we’ll use this to our advantage to weaken them so our alternative breast cancer treatments and your immune system can kill them off. We’ll also thoroughly nourish your body using superior nutrition, nutritional IVs, and the best supplements.

Heavy metal detoxification available at lifeworks wellness center in clearwater, florida

Christina’s Alternative Breast Cancer Success

Watch LifeWorks Wellness Center’s patient Christina, tells her story of discovering she had a Breast Cancer tumor and how she was not able to get help locally.

After another doctor removed the breast cancer it metastasized and they also were not able to help her any further.

She searched worldwide for a solution and finally found LifeWork. She tells about her treatments at LifeWorks and how it saved her life!

Explore Your Options

You owe it to yourself to explore every option available to you.

When you come to LifeWorks Wellness Center, you will be taken care of by our dedicated, world-class staff who are routinely raved about in our patient testimonials.

We sincerely look forward to helping you and your family in any way we can.

Breast Cancer Treatment Therapies

Below you will find more information about some of the tools we employ in our alternative breast cancer treatment program.

Ipt is an alternative and less invasive form of chemotherapy.

Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT)

Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT) is a very low-dose form of chemotherapy

Mechanism of Action: Cancer cells are always hungry for sugary. It is a hallmark of their metabolism. In IPT we give the patient some insulin, which tricks the cancer cells to open up and receive the low dose chemotherapy, leaving the healthy cells mostly unharmed.

Fewer Side Effects. With a much smaller smaller dose of chemo, the patient does not usually experience debilitating hair loss, nausea or the other symptoms.
The treatment does less damage to healthy parts of the body and there is much much less toxicity introduced into the body.

Ozone Therapy Packs a Punch

We complement Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT) with ozone therapy since cancer cells struggle to survive in an oxygen-rich environment.

Ozone therapy infuses the body with massive amounts of oxygen and energizes the healthy cells in the body and the immune system, and this may help them to fight back against breast cancer.

Lifeworks clinic recommends thehocatt therapy for various chronic conditions
Image of i-therm device. Lifeworks offers i-therm treatments

Hyperthermia Therapy Supercharges Treatment

Hyperthermia is the application of heat to parts of the body to increase blood flow and enhance the efficient delivery of oxygen and nutrients. It also super-charges & enhances our low-dose chemotherapy (IPT) protocol.

For decades we’ve witnessed the miraculous benefits of I-Therm as part of a comprehensive alternative breast cancer treatment program; cancerous tumors shrink; pain is alleviated; neurological conditions improve and healing occurs more rapidly.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)

Hypoxia is a hallmark of cancerous tumors and cells. Cancerous cells maintain a very low level of oxygen to improve their survival, growth, and ability to spread (metastasis).

Saturating tissues with high levels of oxygen (14x normal) via HBOT disrupts the metabolism of cancer cells, making it difficult for them to survive and leaving them vulnerable to IPT treatments. The increased oxygen delivered by HBOT also serves to encourage natural cellular healing, tissue repair, circulation and bolsters the immune system.

Hbot is a safe and effective therapy that delivers pure oxygen to the patient in a pressurized chamber, allowing the lungs to take in very high levels of pure oxygen.
Mah or major autohemotherapy can be used to treat a wide range of health conditions

IV Therapies Strengthen Immune Function

We also strengthen the patient’s immune system with IV Therapies and oral nutritional protocols which maximize the potential for recovery.

These help supply the body with vital nutrients needed for repair and healing and resolves any nutritional deficiencies which are often present in cancer patients.

A Successful Whole-Body Approach

This is a whole-body, alternative breast cancer approach, unlike anything you’ve experienced. It treats the body as a whole organism that needs all its parts working together synergistically. By perfecting the health of your body and delivering targeted therapies, it brings to bear the superior power of a perfectly functioning immune system.

We have successfully treated hundreds of breast cancer patients for over two decades using this state-of-the-art, integrative, and complementary approach. It’s gentle on the body but extremely tough on cancer.

We invite you to explore all your treatment options thoroughly and encourage you to reach out to us to schedule a consultation so you can learn all about a more natural, less toxic alternative breast cancer treatment option.

Feel free to read and watch breast cancer treatment recovery testimonials and learn more about some of the tools we use in the next section.

Learn how to beat cancer naturally with this free email series.

Helpful Cancer Resources

Learn Even More About Breast Cancer

Woman in pink top with doctor for breast cancer and ozone

Breast Cancer Symptoms

Breast cancer originates from the breast tissue, usually from the inner lining of milk ducts or the lobules that supply the ducts with milk. Breast cancer occurs as a result of mutations, or abnormal changes, in the genes responsible for regulating the growth of cells and keeping them healthy.

Often, the first noticeable breast cancer symptom is the detection of a lump that is noticeably different from the rest of the breast or a lump may be found in the lymph nodes, within the armpits which may also indicate breast cancer.

Common Breast Cancer Symptoms

  • a hard lump, noticeably different from the rest of the breast
  • a lump found in or around the armpits
  • one breast becoming enlarged or changing in shape
  • a nipple changing position
  • a nipple becoming inverted
  • dimpling of the skin
  • a growing vein in the breast
  • a red or hot area of the breast
  • sores on the breast
  • discharge from nipple
  • constant pain in a part of the breast or armpit
  • swelling beneath the armpit or around the collarbone.

Stages of Breast Cancer

While breast cancer often starts in the breast, left untreated the cancer cells can migrate to nearby healthy breast tissue and can make their way into the lymph nodes located in the underarm.

Your lymph nodes are a part of the body’s filtration system, designed to eliminate and remove foreign substances. If breast cancer cells get into the lymph nodes, they have a pathway into other parts of the body.

The stages of breast cancer are expressed by a number on a scale of 0 through IV and we describe these in the next section.

Breast cancer stages

Classification of Cancer Stages

These 7 factors have made identifying the stage of breast cancer more complex, but more accurate.

Original Three Classifications

There are several characteristics that are used in determining the stage of breast cancer. The original 3 factors were T, N & M:

  1. (T) – the size of the cancer tumor and whether or not it has grown into nearby tissue
  2. (N) – is cancer in the lymph nodes
  3. (M) – did cancer spread to other parts of the body beyond the breast

Four New Classifications Added In 2018

  1. Tumor Grade – a grading to show how much the cancer cells resemble normal cells
  2. Estrogen & Progesterone Receptor Status – do the cancer cells have receptors for estrogen and progesterone hormones
  3. HER2 Status – are the cancer cells making a lot of the HER2 protein
  4. Oncotype DX score – a score is given based on whether the cancer is estrogen-receptor-positive, HER2-negative and if there is no cancer in the lymph nodes

Natural Breast Cancer Screening

At LifeWorks Wellness Center, we encourage all of our female patients to have an annual thermography session, which is the use of thermal imaging to provide early detection of any abnormalities in the breasts, sometimes up to 10 years in advance of breast cancer occurring.

It is our opinion that this is a safer, more accurate screening method than mammograms which carry radiation risk and only detect changes in breast tissue when actual structural changes have already taken place.

History of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer, one of the earliest acknowledged forms of cancer due to its visibility, was first described in Egypt around 1600 BC, with the first mastectomy performed in 548 AD. From ancient Greece through the 17th century, it was believed to be caused by excess black bile. In the 17th century, doctors linked breast cancer’s spread to the lymph nodes.

Mastectomies remained the standard medical procedure in America until the 1970s, when a new understanding of metastasis gave recognition to cancer as a systemic illness as well as a localized one, and new procedures were developed that proved effective to varying degrees.

Breast cancer research has a long history.