Chronic Fatigue FAQ

Which Stage Of The General Adaptation Syndrome Is Characterized By Fatigue, Weakness, And Soreness?

The General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) is a three-stage process that describes the physiological changes the body goes through when under stress. Fatigue, weakness, and soreness are most commonly associated with the second stage of GAS, known as the resistance stage.

Understanding the General Adaptation Syndrome

The concept of GAS was first introduced by Hans Selye in 1936. He proposed that our bodies have a predictable way of responding to stress, which he divided into three stages: alarm reaction, resistance, and exhaustion.

The Alarm Reaction Stage

This initial phase is characterized by an immediate reaction to a stressor. The body perceives danger and prepares for fight or flight response by releasing adrenaline and cortisol.

The Resistance Stage

If the stressful situation persists, the body enters the resistance stage. During this phase, it attempts to cope with the ongoing stress. Despite appearing normal on the outside, internally your body remains on high alert. It’s during this stage where symptoms like fatigue, weakness and soreness may become evident as your body’s resources are gradually depleted.

The Exhaustion Stage

If stress continues without adequate recovery periods, you enter the exhaustion stage where your body’s ability to resist stress becomes seriously compromised. This can lead to burnout or serious health problems like heart disease or depression.

Managing Stress and Fatigue from a Functional Medicine Perspective

Functional medicine offers a holistic approach to managing chronic fatigue associated with prolonged stress. It focuses on identifying root causes rather than just treating symptoms. This could involve dietary changes, exercise routines or lifestyle modifications aimed at reducing exposure to chronic stressors.

FAQs about General Adaptation Syndrome and Fatigue

What are some signs I might be in the resistance stage of GAS?
You may feel constantly tired despite getting enough sleep, experience frequent headaches or have difficulty concentrating.

How can I prevent progressing to the exhaustion stage?
Implementing effective stress management strategies such as regular exercise, healthy eating habits and sufficient sleep can help prevent progression to this stage.

Can functional medicine help manage my fatigue?
Yes! Functional medicine aims at addressing root causes of health issues including chronic fatigue resulting from prolonged exposure to stressors.

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