In This Edition:
- We Are Here to Help
- LifeWorks Ozone & Lyme Disease Testimonial
- What is Chelation Therapy?
- LifeWorks Accepts Care Credit
We Are Here to Help
I saw a patient today who I have not seen in over a year. She had come for two visits. I greeted her warmly and she gushed that when she was following our treatments, she was the best she had been in years. No fatigue, no brain fog, no depression. Now it was all back with a vengeance.
“Where have you been?” I asked.
She said “I got lost. I have seen many doctors trying to get back what you gave me here and I have not been able to. They give me drugs and supplements that don’t work and I am miserable. Please take me back,” she said. “I am depressed, exhausted, and it feels like my head is disconnected from my body.”
“We can fix that,” I said. “But you had better stay with me a little longer so you can stabilize and not regress again.”
In 2-3 months she will again be well. With our precise diagnostics and treatments, we can help anyone who is willing to make the effort to get well. It is a science and we are experts.
If you or someone you care about is not well, call and come in and see us.
We are here to help and want to help you.
Have a great week.
Dr David I Minkoff MD
My LifeWorks Success Story
“Thank you so much to the wonderful staff of LifeWorks! I am so grateful to all of the nurses who treated me so kindly during all of my treatments.
I was sick for a very long time and was first introduced to Ozone therapy by LifeWorks. It’s great stuff!
Thank you for recognizing and treating Lyme disease – there are too many doctors and treatment facilities that ignore it.”
What is Chelation Therapy?
The word “Chelation” comes from the Greek word “chele” which means a claw of a crab or lobster and implies a strong, pincher-like grasping. In the case of chelation therapy, the grasping is done by a chelating agent and the object grasped is a metal atom.
What is Chelation Therapy Used For?
At our Clearwater clinic, chelation therapy is used as the primary treatment of heavy metal poisoning by lead, cadmium, aluminum, mercury, arsenic, and even iron. Because chelation appears to improve circulation and reduce toxic chemical reactions in the body, it has also been used successfully for arthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure, and eye diseases such as macular degeneration.
Read more about chelation therapy
LifeWorks Accepts CareCredit
LifeWorks is happy to announce that we are now accepting CareCredit cards. For many people CareCredit can provide an easier way of financing you and your family’s healthcare needs*. For more information go to
*Subject to credit approval.