Mold Illness FAQ

What does mold toxicity feel like?

What does mold toxicity feel like?

Mold toxicity can manifest as a variety of symptoms, making you feel generally unwell. Common feelings include chronic fatigue, headaches, cognitive difficulties (like memory loss and difficulty concentrating), respiratory issues (such as coughing and wheezing), allergic reactions (itchy eyes, skin rashes), and sensitivity to smells. Some individuals may also experience mood swings, anxiety, or depression.

If you believe mold exposure is affecting your health, please seek advice from a knowledgable doctor who specializes in treating mold.

LifeWorks Wellness Center specializes in diagnosing and treating patients with mold related illnesses, so feel free to reach out to us to learn more. We can help determine the extent of your issue and offer a proven mold healing treatment protocol.

We also recommend you check out our FREE Mold newsletter series below which provides you with more information about how toxic mold can impact your health and our strategies for treatment.

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