“I am a 77 year old male now thankfully in excellent health. Two years ago, however, several health concerns led me to turn to LifeWorks for help. Among these were: (1) seriously flagging energy levels that were negatively affecting my ability to work (I am a computer scientist still active in the field); (2) several recent episodes of atrial fibrillation which required hospitalization; and (3) a recent diagnostic of a precancerous prostate condition. Turning to alternative medicine was new for me but I was less than content with the help I had been receiving from medical doctors, and I had witnessed how LifeWorks’ care had much improved the health of several of my acquaintances. So I decided to give this a try.
To say the least I am very glad I did. An astute diagnosis and subsequent treatment (chiefly homeopathic medicines and natural supplements) has led to greatly improved health and vigor.
Among the beneficial effects have been:
- Cure of several severe allergies (to chocolate and alcohol). Needless to say this in itself was a great (and unforeseen) boon.
- Vastly improved energy levels, positively affecting my professional life.
- Cured inflammation of unsightly tiny red capillaries on my nose. Interestingly I had not thought to ask my doctor to address this condition (which had been getting more pronounced over the years). Several other members of my family had this condition and I assumed it was genetic. But, most unexpectedly, the red capillaries on my nose just went away, as a bonus by-product, I must assume, of the treatment I was receiving I don’t know the technical name for this condition, but likely it is a form of vascular inflammation. And if so, its cure suggests that inflammation elsewhere in my body may also have been cured—fundamental to disease prevention.
- No repeat of atrial fibrillation (despite my own unilateral decision to stop taking the prescription drugs (Rythmol, Coumadin).recommended by my cardiologist
- Precancerous prostate condition has not progressed, and for all I know the odds for cancer may have diminished.
There are doubtless a number of technical improvements having to do with blood chemistry and the like that my doctor has addressed more fundamentally, about which I can’t speak about with any intelligence but which account for my general good health. What I can attest to is what I see when I look in the mirror, or how I feel at the end of a hard day at work, and the pleasure I can now take in a good glass of wine.
By now I trust you realize how blessed I feel I have been by the healing ministrations of this good doctor.”
Bud S.
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