Dr. David Minkoff’s Health Blog

Gut Brain Axis & Cancer Treatment – OHR 492

The gut brain connection between your first brain (brain) and your second brain (gut)

You have probably heard about the gut brain axis.

This describes the communication network that connects your intestines to your brain.

These two organs are hard wired together via the Vagas Nerve and through biochemical signaling molecules that trigger responses, so that the gut can affect the brain and vice versa.

There are 12 nerves that are housed in the brain and connect directly to areas outside the brain.

One of the most important nerves is called the Vagus Nerve. It is cranial nerve number 10.

The brain itself is made up of about 100 billion nerve cells.

About 500 million of those nerve cells connect with the gut.

A good portion of those come from the Vagus nerve. The signal can go both ways.

If the brain gets a stress signal – you got fired or had a fight with your spouse – the Vagus nerve can get that signal and send it to the gut and cause you to have diarrhea or a stomachache.

Also, toxins from bad bacteria in your gut could travel up the Vagus nerve and stimulate it and cause brain fog, a headache or poor sleep.

An interesting study in mice found that feeding them a probiotic reduced the amount of stress hormone in their blood. However, when their Vagus nerve was cut, the probiotic had no effect (10Trusted Source).

At LifeWorks, we find that 100% of our patients have a stressed gut as their most important organ to fix, while we work on other areas as well.

The combination of our gut health supplement program and diet recommendations, results in 90% of people normalizing their gut function and also their brain function within the first few months of the program.

If you are suffering from symptoms that include either of these organs, we can help.

Brain fog, poor memory, emotional swings, poor sleep, as well as heartburn, diarrhea, constipation, bloating, and excess flatulence can resolve with the proper treatment.

Drugs that stop symptoms are not part of our program and are not used.

Call us today on (727) 466-6789 and take advantage of our expertise in this area.

Have a great week.

Dr. David I Minkoff, MD

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