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Realized I Was Not in Pain!*

Irina realized that her 20 year old pain wasn't there!

This morning I realized that I was not in pain and that I have not been in pain for several weeks.

I have had low grade body pain for at least 20 years.

Nagging muscle soreness, tightness and tension.

I would get regular massages and chiropractic visits.

Nothing ever really made it go away just seemed to manage it when it got particularly annoying.

I considered whether I had fibromyalgia and some other disease that was tv advertised.

Of course there was nothing in regular blood work to indicate any issue.

So I lived with it in the background.

This morning it dawned on me that I had no pain.

I mentioned it to my husband and he was taken back as he said you’re right you have not mentioned your back or shoulders aching you in weeks.

This pain has slowly dissipated and it is directly attributable to the treatments here.

I am ever so grateful.

I continue to look forward and anticipate this cancer of mine to be put in check as well!!!

Thank you for the wonderful work you are doing.  You are an incredible healer.

With the utmost of respect and gratitude,


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