Peptide Therapies, General Health Videos

Discover the Power of Peptides: Boost Immunity, Enhance Memory, and More

Discover the power of peptides: boost immunity, enhance memory and more

Join Dr. Minkoff as he unveils the remarkable benefits of peptides.

Learn how these natural messenger molecules can optimize your health, improve immune balance, reduce inflammation, and enhance memory.

Find out why peptides are a game-changer in wellness and how they can make a difference in your life.

Don’t miss out on this cutting-edge treatment at LifeWorks Wellness Center.

Contact LifeWorks Wellness Center for a consultation and discover a new path towards healing.

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Power of Peptides Video Transcript

Hi, Dr Minkoff here, LifeWorks Wellness Center.

I want to talk to you today about one of my favorite favorite topics and treatments and this topic is headed as peptides.

Now what is a peptide?

You’ve all heard of proteins, you’ve probably all heard of amino acids.

So amino acids are basic building blocks, there’s 22 of them used in the body to make proteins okay.

So you could think of amino acids as an alphabet.

So like in the English language there’s 26 letters.

You can put the letters together in all different combinations and lengths and you can get a million words or however many words are in the English language.

It’s the same thing with amino acids.

There’s 22 of them.

You can mix them together in all different lengths.

Some amino acids are just by themselves and some have combinations which are thousands of amino acids together long.

Now a peptide is a group of amino acids that is up to 30 amino acids in length.

So you got 30 of them together, so the word would be 30 letters long.

If it’s above 30 it’s considered a protein.

Now some proteins have thousands of amino acids but peptides are considered to be under 30.

And so these are actually messenger molecules.

Our bodies make these things and so these peptides are made, they go, gives a cell direction.

Now early on in my career probably 20 years ago, I had a patient who was the bodyguard for one of the big Shahs in Saudi Arabia and he looked like a brick.

So he was probably five eight, probably 260 pounds, looked like a square brick of just solid muscle, he was intimidating as all could get out.

And he would come in here for treatment and he would spend nine months in Saudi Arabia as a bodyguard and then he’d have a couple months off and come back here and do his thing.

So he came in here one day and he said to me you know I said how do you get a body like this, like this is like impossible and he said well I’m taking these peptides.

Okay, so I’ve never heard of peptides at that point.

He said yeah there’s peptides.

Oh where do you get them? He said well chemical companies make them and they’re not for human use but we get them and we use them.

He said you should be using them on your patients because they really work.

And I said I can’t use these on my patients, they’re not approved, you know they’re illegal blah blah blah, I can’t do that.

He said okay. So then like probably seven or eight years ago, I go to a seminar where somebody’s doing some lectures or a course on peptides and I’m like oh this is what this guy was talking about.

Now they’re legal, now we can get them through pharmacists and some of them are even registered as drugs and there’s a whole bunch of them, there’s probably 60 or 70 of them and they all have different things.

Some of them make your growth hormone turn on, some of them boost your immune system, some of them help inflammation go down and these are available and there are forms of it where you can take it by mouth.

The most common form is that you give yourself a little injection and they’re just quite amazing.

So in most people that I see they have a problem with immune balance, they have a problem with inflammation.

Often they have a problem with memory or with nervous system function.

Sometimes they have a chronic infection, they have Lyme disease or Epstein-Barr virus or one of these things and there’s peptides that will activate these areas and you can really feel it.

So we have these for patients in the clinic and depending on what the condition is I almost always prescribe two or three or four of them depending on what’s needed by the patient to like give the whole system a boost, it like moves it forward.

So there can be better living through chemistry if the chemistry is non-toxic and these are non-toxic.

These are, these are natural substances which can now be synthesized in a laboratory and given to you and the body doesn’t know the difference between these and the ones that the body’s even making, it just turns out that with aging and with our body deterioration we’re just not making enough of them, to actually really be active and so when we give them from the outside you can really see a difference and people come back and say wow those peptides really make a difference.

My wife was saying like she was like memory wise, she was like hey this is a little bit like like sometimes I walk in a room and I can’t remember why why I walked in there. So there’s a particular peptide called Cerebrolysin.

This activates nerve, new nerve cell growth in the brain and nervous system. And she did a month of Cerebrolysin, she said I’m fixed on that, like that really worked.

So these are available, they’re very powerful, they’re very safe.

We see no reactions from them, they don’t react with any medications and then if you come to LifeWorks you’re probably going to get advised to take some of these peptides and sometimes we do them for the first couple months to give people a boost and then they may be staggered so you do them for a month or you take off.

Sometimes people reach a stable state where they don’t need them but they’re they’re very good and they really help and I take them and I just wouldn’t be without them.

Okay, so that’s peptides and if your practitioner doesn’t mention it to you, be sure you mention it to them.

Okay, hope this helps.