Peptide Therapies

The Selank Peptide

Lifeworks wellness center offers a different approach to handling those dealing with depression, anxiety and other brain conditions, one of them being the selank peptide.
  • Do you remember the last time you were stressed?
  • What situation caused the stress?
  • How did it make you feel?
  • How did you handle it?
  • Did you experience anxiety or depression as a result?

Stress is the body’s way of reacting to a specific situation that causes it to kick its defense mechanisms into gear. This defense is called “fight-or-flight” which is caused by cortisol, a hormone that is released from the adrenal gland. Sometimes it can emit overwhelming feelings of anxiety and depression depending on how the individual handles the situation. If these become chronic, they can have a negative influence on one’s health.

In 2017, CBS News reported recent studies that revealed approximately 8.3 million American adults are stressed, depressed and anxiety-ridden and have been unsuccessful in seeking treatment for these conditions¹. This places people at a higher risk of developing more serious health problems such as metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, fatigue, and neurological disorders. However, when individuals do try to seek treatment through therapy or prescribed antidepressants, the numbers remain stagnant. As a matter of fact, long-term use of stimulants or sedatives have shown to induce more health risks such as diabetes, weight gain, irritability, sexual problems, addiction and feelings of indifference. Furthermore, if people don’t take these medications consistently, it can lead to severe neurological consequences. LifeWorks Wellness Center offers a different approach to handling those dealing with depression, anxiety and other brain conditions, one of them being the Selank Peptide.

What is the Selank Peptide?

People from all over the world suffer from protein malnourishment without realizing it, hence why peptides are such a necessity. Peptides contain the essential amino acids that our body needs to operate properly. Some amino acids can be found in natural sources such as the food that we consume, however other amino acids cannot be found in external natural resources, nor are they naturally produced in our system.  Therefore, we have to rely on peptides to nurture us back to health. All peptides augment certain bodily functions in the human body, and the Selank peptide specifically produces amino acids that produce both the adrenocorticotropic hormone and the melanocyte-stimulating hormone to fight anxiety. These hormones are naturally produced within the pituitary gland and released into the bloodstream to stimulate the release of cortisol from the adrenal gland. Selank is also categorized as a synthetic peptide that mimics tuftsin; a natural peptide in the body that relates to the immune system and improves molecular stability.

The Benefits of the Selank Peptide

Studies have shown that Selank contains no risk of addiction, withdrawal or other negative side effects that normally come with traditional additive or sedative treatments. While it is known for having an “anti-anxiety” reputation, it is also extremely beneficial for other conditions such as cognition, depression, memory, preventing weight gain and energy levels. Additionally, Selank can increase immunity by producing IL-6 proteins and interferons to battle infections. It can also stabilize enkephalins within the blood to impede stress responses and assist with brain damage recovery. Patients seeking natural remedies for cognitive functions or anxiety disorders will be able to find great relief with this peptide.

Are There Side Effects That I Should Be Aware of?

Side effects of Selank Spray are very rare, but they are possible due to certain factors such as allergies or certain medications. The most notable side effects are often nasal irritations or sore throat. Patients taking blood thinner medications should avoid this peptide and speak with a LifeWorks physician about other options.

Naturally Treating Anxiety at LifeWorks

Treating neurological conditions such as anxiety or depression can be difficult since they affect people differently. At LifeWorks Wellness Center, we use natural methods to relieve these debilitating and overwhelming symptoms to prevent more serious cognitive conditions from occurring. Conventional medications such as antidepressants can cause long-term effects on the brain’s neurotransmitters and can lead to chemical imbalances or mood swings if people aren’t taking them as instructed. Simple peptides such as Selank and lifestyle changes are sometimes all that is needed to address these issues. If you are interested in the Selank peptide, please call to schedule an appointment with one of our practitioners at 727-466-6789.

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