Peptide Therapies

All About Peptide MK-677

Mk-677 contains various anti-aging and healing properties to help those suffering with chronic diseases that cause muscle atrophy (muscle wasting).

When people become chronically ill, have suffered from serious injuries, or age overtime, they may endure extreme weight loss or lose muscle mass. A common misconception among many is that muscles are only important for athletes or bodybuilders, but in reality, muscles are essential for the health of everyone. Personal trainers will inform you that muscles help improve body movement, metabolism, and prevent diseases. Additionally, strong bones and tendons ensure that we’re protected from potential joint conditions and can maintain physical activity. At LifeWorks Wellness Center, we’ve treated multiple patients who have experienced extreme weight loss due to conditions such as arthritis, aging, permanent injuries, gut issues, Lyme, etc. While we strongly advise them to continue exercise to help them build muscles, we also offer certain treatments to speed up the process. One method that we recommend is Peptide MK-677.

What is Peptide MK-677?

When the body is deprived of certain proteins, a peptide is needed to replenish the essential amino acids that the system can’t produce naturally. Every peptide is created with a specific purpose to augment a certain bodily function. MK-677 (also known as Ibutamoren) is an oral active growth hormone (GH) peptide that stimulates the pituitary gland (a small, bean-shaped gland located between the ears and somewhat behind the nose) to release GH in the body, increase insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and create lean muscle mass. This growth hormone secretagogue mimics the stimulation of ghrelin (the hunger hormone associated with circadian rhythms) within the brain.

The Benefits of Peptide MK-677

MK-677 contains various anti-aging and healing properties to help those suffering with chronic diseases that cause muscle atrophy (muscle wasting). Lack in physical activity, previous injuries, or chronic inflammation can cause an individual’s muscles to become idle. Eventually, this will lead to extreme weight loss, weak bones and ligaments, and a decrease in energy levels. Peptide MK-677 is useful in helping a patient build muscle mass without decreasing their body fat. With the increase in muscle production, this will also help to lower one’s LDL cholesterol levels (lipoproteins). Furthermore, MK-677 is also useful in increasing bone mineralization and calcium retention, improving hair and skin appearance, and enhancing one’s sleep quality. As a whole, the patient will feel new energy levels and witness an improved quality of life and longevity. This peptide is especially useful for those suffering with chronic conditions such as osteoporosis or other joint conditions.

The Side Effects of Peptide MK-677

Side effects of this peptide varies from patient-to-patient. Initially, those who begin taking it may experience a tingly sensation within their fingers or hands, lethargy, intense dreams, elevated blood sugar levels, water retention or increased appetite. Fortunately, these side effects are avoidable if one receives the proper dosage. Meanwhile, the benefits of the peptide should immediately kick in after usage.

Strengthening Muscles and Bones at LifeWorks

At LifeWorks Wellness Center, we’re aware that the muscles and bones play a significant role in the health of individuals. That’s why we always encourage our patients to exercise daily, receive an appropriate amount of sleep every night, and maintain a well-balanced diet without the addition of toxic chemicals that might cause inflammation. All of these put together helps patients drastically improve their energy in every way. However, we also know that sometimes the energy levels in patients are not where they should be due to aging, disease, or chronic inflammation, thus halting them from performing regular daily activities. MK-677 is meant to help improve muscle retention in those that may struggle in building them.

If you or someone that you know is suffering from a chronic condition that is causing muscle atrophy or weak bones, please call to schedule an appointment with one of our practitioners at 727-466-6789.

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