Dr. David Minkoff’s Health Blog

How Your Environment Impacts Your Weight – OHR #433

Could your fatness be due to environmental toxins?

Could your fatness be due to environmental toxins?

Environmental chemicals called “obesogens” have been identified that are likely culprits in causing obesity.

They include:

  • Bisphenyl A (BPA)
  • Phthalates
  • Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs)
  • Polyfluoroalkyl chemicals (PFCs)
  • Organochlorine (OC) pesticides
  • Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)

They disrupt energy metabolism, glucose and lipid metabolism, alter thyroid and sex steroid hormone regulation, leptin, ghrelin, and others.

What to do?

  1. Use paraben and phthalate free body products. See ewg.org.
  2. Avoid chemical cleaners. Use hydrogen peroxide or vinegar.
  3. Store all food in glass.
  4. No non stick pans.
  5. Drink water from reverse osmosis and never plastic bottles.
  6. Eat only organic
  7. No farmed fish
  8. Wild fish only
  9. Drink nothing in aluminum cans.
  10. Add fiber to your diet: 2 tablespoons of ground flax daily to smoothies, salads, or soups.
  11. No refined carbs or sugar.
  12. Eat crucifers daily at least one cup. Broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, kale.
  13. Start using a sauna and work up to 30 minutes 3x week
  14. Take BH Multi, Perfect Amino, Greens or Reds, daily.

If you do this and eat 1200 calories per day organic Paleo, eat in an 8 hour window, walk 30 minutes per day, make sure your hormone levels are normal, you will lose weight.

Let me know how you do!

Have a great week!

Dr. David I Minkoff, MD

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Patient Testimonial

“I am very grateful for Dr. Minkoff and the entire staff for creating a wonderful environment to heal.  I specifically will express my experience with peptides.

My whole life, since I was a child, I’ve had achiness in my joints due to a condition called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome.  After only two weeks my symptoms decreased dramatically.  I’m currently on my second month using BPC-157 and Thymosin Alpha-1 and have so much relief.  I also had some pulled tendons in my finger from an injury (minor) that was not healing and am now having no pain or discomfort.  I highly recommend peptides on your healing journey as they were a game changer for me.”



About Dr. David Minkoff, Medical Director

Dr. David Minkoff graduated from the University of Wisconsin Medical School in 1974 and was elected to the “Phi Beta Kappa” of medical schools, the prestigious Alpha Omega Alpha Honors Medical Fraternity for very high academic achievement. He then completed both a Pediatric Residency and a Fellowship in Infectious Disease at the University of California at San Diego. He worked at the University of California and Children’s Hospitals in San Diego as an attending physician in infectious disease while conducting original research on Ribaviron, a broad spectrum anti-viral agent to fight disease. He also co-directed a neo-natal intensive care unit and worked in emergency medicine. In 1992, Dr. Minkoff’s wife Sue, a Registered Nurse, became interested in nutrition and health and began to go to lectures from some of the experts in the field. At the time, Dr. Minkoff was pretty fixed in his view of traditional medicine and it took a lot of convincing to get him to come to one of these lectures. After hearing Dr. Jeffrey Bland speak, Dr. Minkoff had a eureka moment and began pursuing the alternative field with a vengeance. Based on this new knowledge Dr. Minkoff and his wife set up a small clinic in 1997 to help some friends with their medical problems. What began as an experiment blossomed into Lifeworks Wellness Center, one of the most successful clinics for complementary medicine in the United States. In the process, he gained expertise in Biological medicine, integrative oncology, heavy metal detoxification, anti-aging medicine, hormone replacement therapy, functional medicine, energy medicine, neural and prolotherapy, homeopathy, and optimum nutrition. He studied under the masters in each of these disciplines until he became an expert in his own right. Dr. Minkoff is one of the most in-demand speakers in the field and wrote an Amazon best-selling book called The Search For The Perfect Protein. The demand for the products and protocols he discovered became a catalyst for founding BodyHealth.Com, a nutrition company that now manufactures and distributes cutting-edge nutritional solutions for the many health problems of today. Dr. Minkoff writes two free online newsletters, “The Optimum Health Report” and ”The BodyHealth Fitness Newsletter”, to help others learn about optimum health and fitness. Dr. Minkoff is an avid athlete himself and has completed 43 Ironman Triathlons. To keep his fitness maximal, he lives the lifestyle he teaches to others and tries to set an example for others, so they can enjoy a life free of pain and full of energy.